What are the best alternatives to self-harm?
Apr 11, 2015
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Anything that makes you happy. Or if you physically need something, use an ink pen or marker and then wash it off after. It's safe and not permanent :)
May 23, 2015
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there are many things to do instead of self harm, such as the butterfly project, 30 day self harm challenge, play the five minute game, mindfulness breathing, red pen, hold ice
May 9, 2015
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Perhaps you could try putting an elastic band round your wrist and everytime you want to harm yourself, twang it. You can go on walks, spend time with friends. Eat a tone of chocolate and watch a film. Maybe even putting headphones in and listening to really loud music will help. It is a good way to release happy endorpins instead of harming yourself x
Mar 7, 2015
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There are quite a lot of alternatives to self harm. One of the things that I know that works from personal experience is to try deep-breathing exercises whenever you begin to feel stressed. There is a lot of information on relaxation techniques on Google.
Mar 16, 2015
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Well, when self harming, endorphines are released in brain, which are normally associated with feeling of happiness and similar. Same are released when exercising, for example running and so on. Hopefully this helps you.
Mar 29, 2015
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Writing out your feelings. Talking to someone. Drawing. Tearing paper apart. Squeezing a pillow. Screaming. There are so many ways to relieve frustration. Please find what ever safe alternative works for you.
Jul 24, 2018
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If you feel like hurting yourself, do the butterfly project. Draw a butterfly on your arm with pen or marker. write a loved ones name next to it. Draw one for every family member or friend you love. Whenever you do hurt yourself one of those butterflies "die". Its painful for your loved ones to see those self harm marks. It hurts them too. The butterflies are just a reminder
May 17, 2015
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The best alternates to self-harm can vary greatly from person to person because no two situations are identical. It's important to try various outlets of expressing how you feel, whether its through art, writing, music, or other non-destructive activities to find what works for you.
May 24, 2015
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Some things I have tried are writing, reading, going for a walk, cooking, or talking to someone that cares.
Jun 14, 2015
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Do something creative. Paint a picture or listen to a song that makes you happy to distract you from those urges.
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