Is someone who self harms also suicidal?
Mar 27, 2018 more
There is a fine line between self harm and suicidal. Self harming can coinside with people who like to feel the pain that they feel like they should. It doesn't always mean someone is also suicidal.
Apr 24, 2015 more
not particularly, a lot of people self harm as a stress reliever or just self harm because they arnt sure how to act out on their feelings.
May 6, 2015 more
I wouldn't say so, no. However they can accidentally end their own life. Not everyone who does it, wants to die. Some do it to gain relief, comfort and or punishment.
Jul 20, 2015 more
Not necessarily. Self-Harm is a coping mechanism. Suicide can be caused by anything, including self-harm, but not always!
Aug 11, 2015 more
Not necessarily. Self harm can sometimes be described as a way of hurting oneself without committing suicide, as it can provide a feeling of relief for the person.
Jul 18, 2016 more
Not necessarily, a difference between self harm and suicide is whether there is any intent involved. If an individual is suicidal they will view self harming as a way of ending their life. In contrast to this, others may self harm in order to release the stresses in their life and to escape from their feelings.
Oct 17, 2017 more
People who self-harm often have thoughts of suicide (lots of research and anecdotes to support this), but they rarely act on those thoughts. However, it is important to note that people who have attempted or completed suicide commonly have a history of self-harm.
Recent theories suggest that self-harm acts as a sort of 'suicide alternative', and lets the person avoid the thoughts that are associated with self-harm and suicide.
It is important to hear each person, as research is based on the majority of people, not the unique individual. If we fail to listen to the person who is struggling, we risk missing important information that could, quite literally, serve as a lifeline to that person. If there is any doubt, contact a mental health professional.
Jan 1, 2018 more
Just because you self harm, you aren’t necessarily suicidal. Many people self injure as a way to reduce stress, or to relieve pain. So, just because you may self harm, it doesn’t mean you’re suicidal.
Sep 16, 2014 more
Not necessarily, people also self harm to meet desires of pleasure or also to seek out the attention and help of others. Self harm can be an expression of pain or even mental illness. This doesn't mean a person is also suicidal
Sep 28, 2014 more
Sometimes. People cut for different reasons, it might be for attempting to kill themselves or just a release, either way you should refer them to the suicide hotline for help as it's still dangerous for them.
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