Does using acid to burn yourself count as self-harm?
300 Answers
Moderated by Smita Joshi, BA Psychology / MA / Advanced EFT Practitioner
Updated: Feb 15, 2021
Apr 21, 2019 more
Doing anything that can or will cause harm to your body, is considered self harm. It may not always be permanent, but it is still considered hurting yourself. If you feel like harming yourself, i would advise you to speak to someone you trust. This does not always mean family, or friends. It can be someone who you don’t even know. You are important, and your body needs to be taken care of. If you feel like you deserve the harm, i’d like to advise you to talk to a professional. Things like this, can get better. I’m walking proof of that. Please be kind to yourself.
Apr 21, 2019 more
Using acid to burn yourself definitely counts as self-harm if you do it on purpose. Anything you do to hurt your physical body, any kind of pain or injury you cause it on purpose counts as self-harm. There are some kind of injuries that are more "general" among people who harm themselves, but you definitely do not have to do one of those things to feel you are a person with a "legitimate" self-harm problem. I would like to encourage you to explore and find other more healthy outlets for whatever you are experiencing and trying to cope with by self-harm. But it can be a lengthy and difficult process. Don't let that stand in your way though. Just don't give up if you don't find a more healthy and safe solution immediately.
Apr 27, 2019 more
Yes. Any action done by yourself with the aim of putting yourself in physical harm is self-harm. Whether it be the use of flame, knife, or your own finger, it doesn't change the definition of self-harm. I used to pick my skin and I thought that since I wasn't using a tool, it did not count as self-harm. However, after ending up with countless scares along my legs and arms, I changed my perspective. The use of acid is a particularly violent method with which to harm yourself with. Again, no matter the way, if you are causing yourself physical harm, it falls under "self-harm."
May 10, 2019 more
Anything that is causing harm to your body is considered self-harm. That would be very damaging to your skin and would have painful impacts. If anyone is considering using acid to burn themselves, please consider seeking professional help or talking to someone you trust. I have dealt with self harm in the past. It is very controlling and if someone became addicted to the pain that came from using acid, it could lead to permanent, awful impacts. It is another method to harm yourself, which is applicable to cutting, burning, etc. Other things such as scratching and biting does count as self harm too.
May 27, 2019 more
Using acid to burn yourself definitely counts as self harm. There are so many different types of self harm beyond the stereotypical cutting. It's about the intention more than anything else. The method you mention is very dangerous so if you're burning yourself with acid (or self harming in any other way) please please please reach out! There are people who want to help you get better. And you CAN get better. It sounds super cliche but recovery is possible! Remember that things may feel tough but you are tougher. Stay strong, reach out and stay safe! No storm lasts forever
Jun 2, 2019 more
Yes it does, it hurts extensively and is quite unhealthy regardless. Find other ways to cope such as using ice cubes where you want to inflict the wound or use a rubber band whenever you feel the need to harm yourself. I also believe acid, of all ways to harm yourself, can do a lot more damage than anything else! Anything in general that is purposefully used to harm should be considered self harm - from scars to whatever can be sharp or even emotionally damaging. Again, if acid is being used for self harm please consider otherwise immediately! For the better!
Aug 7, 2019 more
yes, it definitely does. self-harm is basically an act that involves hurting yourself in any capacity, in any way. it doesn't have to be cutting, although that tends to be one of the most common kinds of self-harm. burning yourself with acid definitely counts, and i urge you to seek help and take care of yourself. you are valid and deserve support
Aug 8, 2019 more
Any form of act which causes injury to yourself deliberately is classified as a form of self harm. The key word being deliberate as accidents happen but whenever there is intention to cause injury then this is self harm. This is regardless of it being acid or cutting yourself. Other forms of self harm can include extreme piercing and extreme tattoos. You should look at why you are using acid to burn yourself, what do you get from doing that and what is lacking in your life which is driving you to do this. You should also seek medical help if you are self harming as this could be dangerous.
Aug 11, 2019 more
Yes. Any form of pain someone purposely inflicts on themselves is self harm. Since you use acid to burn and therefore harm yourself, yes it is an act of self harm. I know this doesn’t go along with your question but please don’t hurt yourself. I know it’s difficult and can easily become an addiction. You are worthy of love and respect as everyone else does and no matter what your brain might tell you, you don’t deserve to have pain inflicted on yourself. There are many people who struggle like you are right now, people who have been where you are right now. You are not alone and you are worth it.
Apr 7, 2020 more
I’d like to say first off that I’m so genuinely sorry that you’re feeling the need to self-harm. What is considered self-harm—particularly physical self-harm has a wide variety of methods that can be unique to each individual. Examples of physical self-harm includes anything that can or will cause anywhere from mild to moderate harm to your body. Methods of physical self-harm includes activities such as pulling out your own hair, cutting, scratching until you bleed, etc. This would also include using acid to burn yourself. I recommend speaking with one of our trained 7 Cups Listeners to speak about why you’re feeling these tendencies to self-harm. Believe it or not, just talking about your feelings, problems, anything, can be surprisingly helpful. Please don’t forget, we’re always here for you!
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