Does scratching count as self harm if I don't bleed?
Nov 5, 2015 more
If you do something with the intention of harming yourself - it is self-harm. Even if you flick yourself, scratch yourself, bruise yourself - they are all forms of self-harm. Some are more severe than others.
Nov 5, 2015 more
If you hurt yourself, it's considered self harm. Even if you don't bleed. It's going to be self harm because you're inflicting it upon yourself.
Nov 9, 2015 more
yes, even though you aren't cutting, you are still causing self pain.
Nov 11, 2015 more
Yes, even if it does not draw blood it's still an act of self-harm. You're inflicting harm upon your body intentionally
Nov 15, 2015 more
Self-harm is about the intention, not the injury. It depends on what the purpose of the scratching is and what it means to you.
Nov 19, 2015 more
yes. it does. even emotional hurt would easily be construed as hurt, because hurt is hurt, doesnt matter if it did bleed or not.
Nov 20, 2015 more
Well I'd say yes ... it's just in a less period. It's like being a drug addict ... you start with a little and get yourself deeper in the problem with time ... so stop till you can!
Nov 21, 2015 more
Yes, scratching does count as self harm even if you don't bleed. If you are causing yourself to have some sort of pain as a result of actions you do to yourself, it is still considered self-harm. Not all self-harm leads to scars.
Nov 21, 2015 more
Yes it does any form of hurting urself for release of stress or problems u may have is classed as a form of self harm it don't have to be physicall either u can do it mentally ass well
Nov 22, 2015 more
It's the behaviour of injuring ones self to create a sense of relief, not the resulting severity of the injury that judges whether or not it is self harm. To scratch ones self to create pain is the same concept as cutting yourself and drawing blood. Some people burn themselves which does not result in blood loss either. It is all about the mental patterns and the release from creating a sense of euphoria, distraction or self punishment.
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