Do you think Self Harm is an addiction?
Oct 29, 2015 more
Self-Harm is an addiction, however it is not always recognized as one. Self-harming does make people feel better in a way, but only for a fraction of time, in the long run, it might make you feel guilty or bad about doing it; the act releases endorphins, a chemical in the brain, which can bring on a sense of well-being and relaxation. Self-harming becomes an addiction because there is a "feel good" factor. It appears to work, but the need to cause injury to oneself escalates as does any other addictions, it can be hard to stop.
Nov 23, 2015 more
Yes, it 100% is, and is a very hard one to break. I found stopping smoking easier than stopping self harm. One of the best ways to prevent/ stop the urge when it prevents itself it fast beat dance/ happy music, and a calming hobby (Such as writing or sewing)
Dec 2, 2015 more
When I first started self harming, I thought that I could stop at any time. I was lying to myself though. I did it more and more until I didn't know how to deal with regular everyday stressors without hurting myself. In my experience, I was addicted to cutting. It did provide me with a rush, but ultimately, I had to do more and more to get the same feelings out of it. It's definitely an addiction that consumed my life and was extremely hard to break.
Dec 2, 2015 more
Jan 11, 2016 more
No, i think the feeling you get from it, can get to an addiction. The feeling when getting pain from a cut or burn, is better than the pain you get from your heart. But that is never the answer, is just a mask, you either fight that heartache, overcome it and try again, or you accept the situation and let it go by itself till it doesn't hurt anymore.
Feb 2, 2016 more
I do believe that self harm is an addiction as it can be used as a coping method that is relied upon in difficult times.
Feb 23, 2016 more
Yes I do think its an addiction. Self Harm is an escape for people so people continue to do it and it gets to a point of where they need to do it. They need to do it to escape from whats going on though its not really escaping. Self Harm is an addiction.
Apr 12, 2016 more
Self harm itself might not be a direct addiction; instead it is most likely the temporary feelings you get from the act of self-harming that becomes the addiction. To feel free from your anguish, pain and issues that are out-with your control. This is why doctors can recommend such things as anti-depressants as they are intended for short-term use while you're able to emotionally stable yourself to think clearly and know that you're making your own decisions. This way, you can work towards fixing the issues within your life by seeing a counsellor, getting involved in hobbies and enjoying the work you do or even getting a job. In short, I personally wouldn't say that self-harm is directly an addiction but rather the outcome of the self-harm is the addiction.
Apr 14, 2016 more
yes, i do but your able to overcome an addiction
Sep 26, 2016 more
True. It is. Gives an irresistible feeling that helps to divert mental pain to physical one. Unfortunately,is satisfying when one is depressed.
Apr 3, 2017 more
I definitely think it can have addictive qualities. I think for so many people it becomes almost second nature. When you find something that seems to help when certain feelings come up, it can quickly become a habit, almost second nature. But it's so important to know that these habits can be broken, and there are other methods to deal with whatever we're feeling. Self harm can get so dangerous so fast, and there are other ways to deal, we just have to be willing to reach out and work at it.
Jul 11, 2017 more
Yes self harm sometimes leads to addiction... People think it will make them relief but that's not true... We hurt ourselves physically for sake of temporary satisfaction.. Self harm can never Be a solution
Aug 28, 2017 more
Self harm can become a coping mechanism (a go - to) so yes, in a way it becomes addictive. But it is not medically labelled as such and like any "addiction" it can be broken with commitment and hard work
Feb 20, 2018 more
I think anything can turn into an addiction, whether it's drug, food, game, relationship...or self-harm...What is addictive is the feeling it gives. In the case of self-harm what can be addictive is the feeling of releasing pain, of taking control...etc. Some studies even revealed that our bodies release endorphins, which can be even more addictive.
May 1, 2018 more
self harm as an addiction.... yes, it can be. sometimes people use it as a negative coping mechanism, but even after, some people still do it. I have seen a few people who say it is an addiction, so yes, it could be. it differs from person to person.
May 15, 2018 more
I do, but I know you don’t do it on purpose. You do it to feel something other than the pain. It’s hard to stop I get it. But it’s an addiction because you do it when you need, and you do it more and more and more. It’s so hard to stop it you want to but you don’t know how. I know you can do it 😘 you have what it takes to beat the thoughts. You just have to find it in you to stop and it won’t be an easy path, but I’ll be there for you. Even if it’s only me💕â¤ï¸ YOU GOT THIS!!!!!
Jul 23, 2018 more
Yes. I believe that some people feel numb and want to feel something. Most people who cut claim they can’t feel anything, so they cut so they can feel. Pain. I have talked to someone who has done it for 3 years every day....
Jan 28, 2020 more
yeah! unfortunately Self-harm is an addiction, as bad as alcohol and drugs too. once it starts, it's so hard to quit it unfortunately. and it affects you mentally and physically as well. and Self-harm shouldn't be just physically harm, no taking care of yourself is Self-harm, not taking showers, starving yourself, not going out, hate yourself for no reason, and there are a lot on the list. Self-harm is not like what all people think about, but please if you are dealing with it, please seek professional help! it is not something that you should deal with it on your own.
Jun 6, 2022 more
Well, the definition of addiction is "the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity". so if we go by that I would say yes. Because you a doing an action(in this case a bad one) because it gives you a distraction from the real world. Most people do it as an escape or a punishment and you keep doing it because you like the way it makes you feel. With self-harm like another addiction, you can relapse ( maybe worse than before). Some people also think Trigger warnings! Drinking or consuming alcohol could count as self-harm because you are causing harm to your body. TLDR Yes to me it counts.
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