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Profile: Imogene
Imogene on May 1, 2018 more
There might be many reasons for this, but one of the reasons is self-esteem! It's defined as 'confidence in one's worth or abilities; self respect'. Perhaps you don't believe in yourself, so it seems that no one else does either! Alternatively, it could be that you've seen hate in some people towards you, so you feel that others do the same. It could also be that you feel anxious or depressed and as a result, it seems that everyone's against you. These are just some reasons though, there could be others for why you feel that everyone hates you.
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Profile: amiablePeace77
amiablePeace77 on May 8, 2018 more
One of the reasons could be that you never received the love and attention you needed, maybe at an early stage of your life and this transformed into the feeling of not being wanted or hated. Some manifestations in our mind are simply wrong or not valid anymore and need to be challenged/corrected. Self-love, self-care are just 2 of the important things we need to learn to change this manifestation.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 16, 2022 more
people sometimes start to hate those who are unique and prefer being themselves. u shouldn't care if someone hates or judges you. they can't be like you so they show hate towards you to break u down. self-love is the best gift u can give to yourself. once u start to love yourself completely.. no one can make u feel bad. trust yourself! always be yourself. you're perfect the way u are. ignore what people says. u should always have confidence in yourself so that no one would even dare to make you feel awkward. start enjoying your own company.. love yourself.. care for yourself. keep yourself on top of your priority list.
Profile: Rocco2067
Rocco2067 on Jun 29, 2020 more
This is a very sensitive topic that a lot of people experience throughout their life. It's important to remember that we have to love ourselves to see the good in ourselves and that the views of others are our own inner projections– what I'm trying to say is that we have to love ourselves before we can try and improve how we seem to others. It's a hard thing to do and it takes time. However, if you ever need someone to talk to about it, since this topic is so in depth– myself and the rest of the 7 cups community are here to help. remember to find the good in yourself and project that goodness on to others. I wish you the best and feel free to contact for someone to listen😊.
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