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I feel like my parents lost hope in me because I don't do anything in school. It makes me feel depressed because I hate to disappoint them. Do they still care about me?

Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 16, 2020 more
I have often felt the same. I really wanted to make them proud, but fails at times. I felt that they had lost the hope of me being successful. And at times I loose hope on myself. But don't worry, you still have opportunities. I always wanted to see them happy, so I never even share my thoughts with them. But I realised that we can't always do that. At times we do fail. That gives us the strength to rise again. They still care about you. Their hope get restored very fast than ours . Stay happy . Over expectation always leads to disappointment. Gain the courage to conquer those expectations too. Stay happy.
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Profile: Autumleaves123
Autumleaves123 on Dec 31, 2019 more
Honestly my parents used to push me to do things I didn't want to in school and I would get really scared that if I confronted them about the things I didn't want to do they would be disappointed in me because of how they used to live their lives, then one night I sat down with my parents and asked them if I stopped doing sports and other extracurricular activities if they would be disappointed in me or stop caring about me. They told me it doesn't matter what I do they will always care and support me. I think that talking to your parents might be the best bet. (if you haven't done so already) I hope you feel more confident after doing so!
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