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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 26, 2015 more
Due to past experiences, due to rejection, due to it hurts to be hurt again, due to you can't control your emotions from past experience, due to you are scared being in a relationship, due to you don't things to be repeated again and again, you don't want to harm yourself, due to you just want your life back and be normal and be yourself where you feel your freedom will be in bird cage and you wont able to live yourself ...!!!
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Profile: blissfulMango45
blissfulMango45 on Aug 23, 2016 more
Being in a relationship is hard so it is perfectly normal if you feel scared, its only because you love the person you are going in a relationship with and therefore don't want to hurt them! Its okay to feel scared and you don't have to be in or do anything you don't feel comfortable with, best wishes :)
Profile: TheFaultInOurStars
TheFaultInOurStars on May 10, 2015 more
Relationships can be scary because it's making yourself totally vulnerable to another person. You're opening yourself up and that always leaves a possibility to be hurt. But the positive side is that you're also opening up to one of the greatest experiences of life, which is always a risk worth taking.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 2, 2016 more
Maybe you have attachment issues? I know for the longest time that was my problem, I was scared about loosing the person, getting hurt, and them not being the one.
Profile: CarinaNicole
CarinaNicole on Feb 6, 2015 more
A lot of the time, we feel like our relationship is consuming us. Sometimes we let our feelings get the best of us and the idea of being "restricted" by a relationship tends to become scary. It's all about wanting control over ourselves, and a relationship can make you feel like you don't have all of the control. It's perfectly normal and if you do have a partner, can be talked through often. Your concerns are perfectly fine and is all in human nature.
Profile: KingNagaTheGreat
KingNagaTheGreat on Apr 2, 2016 more
it is sometimes normal to feel uncertain about entering a relationship. However, it can have something to do with your own attachment pattern that is developed since infancy and early childhood. For more, please read about the concept of Attachment types.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 5, 2015 more
It's normal thing to be scared to be in a relationship. People always have this thing in their mind that something bad might happen when they'll be in a relationship, but it not always does.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 13, 2015 more
I'm quiet and shy and really opening up to someone can be intimidating. I'm not completely comfortable with my emotions so I often try to focus on the other person. I guess I'd be scared that the person I was dating would think that I'm not interested, but it takes a while for me to come out of my shell
Profile: electricSheep
electricSheep on Mar 15, 2015 more
You could be aromantic. Not to be confused with asexuality, aromanticism is where an individual doesn't experience romantic attraction. They can still feel sexual attraction, or they could be both aromantic and asexual. Like asexuality, aromanticism comes in shades: demiromantic, where you only experience romantic attraction after a close bond is formed, and gray-aromantic, where you rarely experience romantic attraction. There are many other shades, but those are the main two. I hope this helped!
Profile: wonderfulIcicle35
wonderfulIcicle35 on Jun 5, 2015 more
Because you may feel vulnerable, letting someone new into yAllowing another to learn your secrets, our world/private space. It can also be scary to let go of you, be seen as you truly are.
Profile: itsnotover
itsnotover on Nov 3, 2015 more
you could be scared of being cheated on which I can say is a horrible thing to go through from past experience or you could be scared of commitment
Profile: HopeWanderer1221
HopeWanderer1221 on Sep 9, 2019 more
I have had 3 relationship experiences and I have been afraid of all of them just because I never thought I would ever be able to be my true self around them. I thought I was super weird, gross and a bad type of unique. Like why would anyone love me and be in a relationship with me? I would start having a crush, become friends and eventually they supposedly liked me back, they either really did or they didn't and most of the time, I couldn't see the truth behind what they told me just because my anxiety always told me I would never be good enough for anybody to actually be in love with.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 28, 2020 more
We can have a lot of bad examples around us that nourished our trust issue. Then it can be because of past bad experiences. Like maybe your ex emotionally manipulated you, broke your trust, treat you less than what you deserve. Maybe your ex was just with you for sex. You were somehow taken advantage of. All these might have taken a toll on your emotional well being and you are scared to be in a relationship. The trauma that still haunts you won't let you trust anybody with your heart again. Apart from it, you think that your freedom will be cut down by the other and maybe the emotional need may be too much for you to fulfill. That's why you escape commitment.
Profile: EverlastingLove96
EverlastingLove96 on Feb 6, 2015 more
The scary parts of relationships is that you don't know if you are going to get hurt. You don't know when it will end if it does end or how it will end. There are too many questions. The unknown is hard but it something that you just have to try and come to terms with.
Profile: cherishedJet13
cherishedJet13 on Aug 17, 2015 more
Relationship are stressful. They can put a lot of strain on us sometimes. Making us fear complications that could arise from the relationship, making you scared.
Profile: beautifulCandy40
beautifulCandy40 on Sep 15, 2015 more
If you have been a bad relationship before then you need to tell yourself that not everyone is the same.
Profile: patientHeart75
patientHeart75 on Nov 3, 2015 more
I have been hurt a lot. My trust in relationships is very low. I have to work on self love and my own trust first. I feel like my radar is just way off when it comes to healthy people!
Profile: Goosette007
Goosette007 on Jan 11, 2016 more
It is a big big step. Relationships are often built on trust. Trust is something that is earnt and can be hard to give or have. You trust the other person not to hurt you and therefore are scared in case they do.
Profile: beautifulFaith33
beautifulFaith33 on May 31, 2016 more
You are afraid of being in a relationship because you have had your heart broken several times before
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 20, 2016 more
Most people are scared of commitment and heartbreak. These might be the reasons you're scared to get into a relationship.
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