What should I do when my boyfriend ignores me?
Mar 27, 2016
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I am sorry,but I may not give you advice. I am only here to listen and guide you to what is best for you, What do you think is best for your situation?
Sep 21, 2016
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Enjoy yourself, have a good time with your friends, or on your own. By doing this you prove to yourself and to your partner how valuable you are as a person!
Nov 30, 2016
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Just distract yourself, just do your own thing, if they want to talk to you they will and when they do you can talk then, but you don't need to be wasting your time on someone who doesn't even want to spend theirs on you.
Aug 1, 2015
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You should find out the reason first before coming to any conclusion. I think that is the first thing anyone must do, as talking is the best way to keep troubles out.
Mar 18, 2016
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Try to talk to him and ask him if he's upset from some reason. Let him know that his behavior is hurting you. Communication should be the basis of all relationships.
Jul 9, 2015
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I will do some silly stuffs in front of him, get him attraction and make him laugh. If he keep ignoring me, maybe I will make him a dinner and give him a big great hug.
Jul 30, 2015
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I'd say give him some time to get back. Or give him a period of time saying you will get back after giving him some time. One thing not to do is pressurize him into talking.
Aug 15, 2015
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When your boyfriend ignores you, think first on what might be the reason why he would ignore you. Consider how he treats you and if there is an argument that happened before he ignored you. Jumping into conclusion would only allow your mind to overthink and make you worry and feel anxious causing doubts to build into your relationship. And having doubts would create a gap between you and your boyfriend which will greatly affect your relationship.
Dec 20, 2015
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I think communication is important in a relationship for it to be healthy.
Maybe you should try to communicate with your significant other and try to find out the reason as to why you are being ignored. Personally if I don't get an answer as to why they are behaving his way, then I would not like to waste my time on someone who doesn't care enough to provide a simple answer and communicate. I would be happy to find another partner who respects me.
Jun 9, 2016
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Your boyfriend should not ignore you if he does not have a decent motive. You may try to talk to him about it and tell him why does it upset you why would you like him to give you some more attention, maybe he doesnt think he is hurting you, who knows? Although, after you talk if he keeps on ignoring and does not respect you I dont think he is worth it. You deserve someone that gives you all the attention you crave and makes you feel like you are the best and most special person.
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