What should I do when my boyfriend ignores me?
Jul 9, 2015
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From my own personal experience I have found that its best to wait until he talks to you and then ask why he was ignoring you.
Jul 4, 2015
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The best thing to do in this kind of scenario is to be calm, cool, and collected; don't let it get to you too much. Keep positive and stay firm with yourself, don't show defeat or become too apprehensive; don't hound him, just text here and there and let him know that you hope he is doing ok, that you are missing him, that you are a bit concerned, but don't over do it. It's important to keep in touch, despite the fact that he may be ignoring you, do not make any kinds of irrational threats towards him, and if he continues to ignore you, then let the situation settle as it may. Show a bit of concern, make an impression, try, and then let time do what it may. Showing initiative makes you the bigger and better person in some cases; letting things fester sometimes solves things, and sometimes makes others worse. Keep calm, don't jump to conclusions, and try to avoid making irrational assumptions. Your health and composure is the most important; you must remain steadfast, perhaps admit to wrongdoings, be attentive, and sometimes let things go. Time will always tell; don't let ignorance or insecurity overpower, or dominate you, or your feelings. Remain composed, remain true to yourself.
Jul 8, 2015
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I would just try to distract myself from him. You do not need him to pay attention to you for you to have value, and sometimes, I think we get so caught up in those we love that we forget that.
Jan 20, 2016
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I'm sorry to say this, but you should break up with him. If he's ignoring you, he's wasting your time when you could be with someone who doesn't ignore you.
Aug 6, 2015
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When one is ignored by a significant other, it can make them confused, angry, and scared. It's hard not to text and call just to make sure they haven't forgotten you! Sadly, this often makes them avoid you more. People like space and when they smell desperation they run. The best thing to do is relax and let your boyfriend come around on his own. Don't think he hates you, maybe he's just busy or worried about his own issues. The important thing is to not take anything personally.
Jul 31, 2015
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Seek out your own personal growth and development. Have fun and keep busy until he calls or messages.
Mar 26, 2016
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If your boyfriend is ignoring you - it's important to look not at the reason he's ignoring you but the health of the relationship. Is it healthy for you to be in a relationship with someone who cuts off communication? Is it healthy for you to put time and energy into someone who would rather shut down than work it out? From there you should formulate if this is the relationship for you to be in and if this is the relationship that will keep you happy long term. In my life anyone who shuts me out is not someone I'm interested in being with. Open and honest communication is more important to me than someone willing to ignore me.
Mar 20, 2016
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give him the taste of his own medicine once in a while, let him miss you too. if he still ignores you, dump him, you deserve better !
Dec 24, 2015
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Your boyfriend should realize that you are not his rock. You are a privilege and can easily leave if he ignores you.
Dec 22, 2014
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If he absolutely won't let you state your case and he disrespects you personally then ignore him and walk away. It's possible that the space will allow you both to gain perspective on the situation.
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