What should I do when my boyfriend ignores me?
Jun 13, 2016
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From my experienced, please try to understand him as well , keep the reason on your why he was ignore ? Maybe he was busy ... keep understand your partner side.. and try to talk to him about your feelings and ask him to spend some little time with you ...
Oct 8, 2016
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Talk to him about it. You can't expect things to work if you don't communicate. Don't assume the worst, though, you never know the potential reasons.
Oct 27, 2016
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If it is short, everyone is busy. With work, he might be out with friends. If its long term, you might question whether he is right for you.
Dec 4, 2016
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Sometimes simply asking the question "Why are you ignoring me?" can open the communication to start understanding and working on solutions together.
Jan 5, 2017
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Well, first and foremost is observing the situation objectively. You feel ignored. What is he doing that makes you feel that way? What behavior would make you feel heard? And then gently (without accusing him of ignoring you, although I know it can be tempting) bring up the situation. Maybe ask if there is something on his mind, or let him know that his opinion is valuable to you.
Addressing the issue in a caring and open manner helps take away the possible sting of accusation and the reactive defensiveness that often comes with it. Hopefully he will be open to sharing his side of what is going on and to listen to you. Don't forget to be open and to listen to where he is coming from too!
Aug 4, 2020
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Being ignored feels awful. I can relate. To answer your question: it depends on the situation. Is he ignoring you because he's upset with you for some reason, or is he down and just wants some alone time, or is he ignoring you out of the blue and you don't know why? Is it chronic? If it's chronic, meaning he does this daily or very often, or if it's a big enough issue that it really bothers you, I would talk to him about it. Even if it isn't daily, but it still hurts you, eventually you'd have to talk and let him know how you feel about it, in order for both of you to move past it.
With my partner, I talked to him about the times when he ignores me, and how it hurts me because I felt like he was mad at me. He actually said he isn't mad at me, he just wants his space sometimes. So I wouldn't necessarily go chasing him if he ignores you - I give him space and then bring up the topic later when you feel his mood is good and he's willing to chat. When you do talk about it, however, pay close attention to if he's being sincere about it. What does your gut tell you? And go from there :)
Jun 18, 2015
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Address the elephant in the room. Putting the issue under the carpet is never a solution. Tell him how you feel and have an healthy discussion about the matter. I'm sure it's gonna be alright :D
Jun 19, 2015
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Try and talk to him, or access why he is ignoring you. If its for a reason try and fix it. If its for no reason ignore him back
Jun 19, 2015
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Communication definitely is key in a relationship, and in a relationship its no longer just about yourself. Make sure you tell your boyfriend how you feel, and ask him why he ignores you.
Jun 19, 2015
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In a personal exercise, us a kind and respectful tone and ask he to chat with you about the issue that has him feeling that way and share his thoughts with you openly.
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