How do you tell your friend that you disagree with them without hurting their feelings?
Jun 21, 2018 more
well I think that if you're close enough, you can always have debates and honest conversations no matter how controversial.
Jun 24, 2018 more
It's okay to not always agree with people. It's just a part of life! We're not always going to like everything everybody says. You can either choose to ignore it, or talk to the person about it. If you choose to talk about it, it can be helpful to plan out what you're going to say in advance. You can write it out or even practice saying it. Make sure you're respectful, keep a calm tone, and list your reasons why you don't agree. In the grand scheme of things, they may or may not agree in the end, but you can't control that. It's worth talking to them about if it's really bothering you though.
Jun 24, 2018 more
It is very compassionate of you to consider your friends feelings. Telling people that you disagree is not combative so long as it is done peacefully and with the motivation of not changing them, but letting them know you disagree for these reasons, but you respectively disagree with their opinion. We are all humans, we can disagree, the problem is when people bring emotions into the mix instead of realizing we can't agree on everything. A real friendship will go through times when you will disagree with each other, that is is normal, it is how you handle your words that keeps the friendship on solid ground. It is always wise to take caution on tone and delivery of a topic you might disagree on.
Jun 27, 2018 more
Just be calm and try to explain your opinion and try not to make them think they're stupid. I think it works best when I give examples.
Jul 13, 2018 more
Tell them you respect their decision/ opinion but that you do not feel the same way and that you respectfully disagree
Jul 18, 2018 more
Tell them that you disagree, but there opinion is valid, and by working together we can find something that works for the both of us.
Jul 19, 2018 more
I would do it gently and gradually. Maybe start by explaining that you completely respect their opinion, however you politely disagree with their conclusion. Validate their feelings, thoughts and opinions, however explain that you simply have a different perspective due to having a different set of experiences. Then, calmly and with respect, explain your thoughts and reasons and ask if they can see your perspective. Also, make it abundantly clear that you are perfectly fine with agreeing to disagree and you respect their thoughts, opinions and points of view. The worst thing you can do, especially if this is a beleif or opinion that they hold dear, is to be confrontational about it or tell them they are "just plain wrong". If this opinion is key to their entire belief system, the are more likely they are to lash out at any perceived "attack" on their ideas. The more important their belief is to their sense of self, the more any contradiction will feel like a personal afront to who they are as a person. As long as it comes from a genuine place of friendship and respect they should understand that you are saying it, not to undermine them or their ideology, but to share your thoughts with someone you consider an equal and confidant and that is the only reason that you too opened up about your thoughts. I hope this helps!
Jul 28, 2018 more
Confession has to honest, if I am supposed to tell a friend of mine that I disagree with them then I would politely say it, politeness would never hurt anyone's feelings.. :)
Aug 5, 2018 more
Be honest without being harsh or brutal. It is completely alright to disagree. Make sure that they know just because you do not agree does not mean their opinion is wrong or they you cannot be friends. Sometimes people think that if you do not agree with them then you are disagreeing with who they are as a person or you cannot be friends. Tell them gently and ensure them that you are still in a good place.
Aug 9, 2018 more
Part of a friendship is being able to agree to disagree - if you are feeling that you always have to agree...then where is your voice in the relationship?
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