Best way to get over a break up?
Sep 18, 2015 more
I think the best way is to occupy your time, go out, do things you like, exercise to improve yourself, etc. Also, try not to give in the tentation of maintaining contact with your ex. Maintaining contact is not a good thing, since it will make you revive the moment over and over again and you need to protect yourself. You are what is most important. Besides, I think that reviving the situation over and over again will not bring you benefits, since it's very rare that talking about with the person will bring a different outcome. This appears easy when I write it, and believe me, it's easier said than done, I know. But it's the only option. If you are selfish and think of yourself only, you will see, that as soon as time goes by, the situation will take less and less of your time.
Sep 19, 2015 more
Find something or someone (the former is suggested) to distract your mind away from the person in question
Sep 19, 2015 more
Fall in love with yourself and learn to live with yourself again. It's extremely hard after having a break-up, but you'll figure it out with time :) (I've been dealing with it the last few days and today was the day when I started feeling better again. Just please keep going, an end of a relationship is not the end of the world!)
Sep 20, 2015 more
The best way to get over a break up is to distract yourself. Go hang out with friends, start a hobby, or do something you love.
Sep 23, 2015 more
falling in love again :D and love your self much more than you love other :)
learn from your mistake of ur past relationship :)
Sep 23, 2015 more
Based on my personal experience the best way to get over a breakup is learning to be okay by yourself
Sep 25, 2015 more
Getting over a break up can be very hard, you can go through a huge range of emotions from sadness, hurt, anger to happiness depending on what type of relationship you had. There is no "best" way to get over a break up and each person handles it differently. Being self destructive like binge drinking or taking drugs will only mask your feelings for a short while. The only way to truly get over a break up is to give it time, the feelings that are so raw and painful at the moment will start to fade. Accept that the relationship is over and accept that you have to move on with your life. Try not to be negative about your ex, bitterness and negativity won't help. Instead think of the good things that person taught you. Sooner than you realise you will feel better
Sep 26, 2015 more
Tell yourself that if it didn't work out with him/her, means that the one I'm supposed to end up with is still waiting for me further down the path life brings to me.
Sep 27, 2015 more
There is no best way to do anything. A lot more when we are talking about human relationships. We are all so different and our relationships are indeed so particular, that we can't assume that there is a best or worst way to do anything. What we can do instead is to try to realize what are the good and bad lessons we can take at the end of our relationships and what we can do in the future to be happier than we were. We can't expect to magically move on from a relationship after doing something stupid. All relationships need a certain amount of grief as they really meant something to us. We can't run from that period of pain as going through it is the only way to actually realize we are still going towards something. Something better!
Oct 21, 2015 more
In my opinion the best is to try to focus on your own needs.
It sure hurts but the pain should go away eventually, keep doing what you have to do and respect yourself.
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