Best way to get over a break up?
Apr 19, 2021 more
Personally, I believe that the best way to get over a breakup is by focusing on yourself and trying your best to take this person out of your life, at least for a while until you can talk to them without it affecting you in a negative way. Focus on your hobbies or dreams, hangout with family or friends. Eventually, after some time and healing, you will feel better. Just remember that you were able to get through life before they came into it, so there is still a life for you after them. I hope you feel better I know it can be incredibly hard.
Dec 15, 2014 more
Constantly remind yourself that you are important. They are ones losing out. Invest in some chocolate and fuzzy feety pajamas.
Dec 15, 2014 more
Talk about it. Write about it. Rant about it. Desensitise yourself to it. On other days, distract yourself from it. Drown it out with talking and parties. And when neither things work, cry about it. Let it out. And one day, it will be over.
Dec 15, 2014 more
Try doing things that make you happy and take your mind off the breakup. Listening to music always helps me.
Dec 19, 2014 more
Thinking in terms of balance can help. You want to give yourself time to feel whatever you are feeling, but you also want to remain engaged in life. You may find it helpful to journal/draw and talk to others online and in real life, as well as join or continue going to groups/clubs/classes/social events where you can be with others and engage in hobbies and passions of yours. Sometimes it can be hard to feel motivated to do things you used to love, but learning something new, or going through the motions of things you used to love, can help to distract and move on from the relationship. If things get really hard or you start considering risky/dangerous behaviors or suicide you should contact a mental health professional for more support.
Dec 23, 2014 more
I recommend in or out of an relationship, that you have activities that do not involve the person you are in a relationship with. So that you have things that you enjoy and can do that will not remind you of him. I have had guys agree to do try Zumba with me, but that is a thing for just me and my friends and helps me feel better and I do not want anyone to hinder that for me.
Dec 28, 2014 more
Feel as much as you need to feel and reminisce as much as you need to, but try your best to not abuse alcohol or drugs as that only leads to further complications. Talk to close friends who you now will understand you, talk to family if you are comfortable with that, and if it gets too unbearable don't be afraid to seek out a therapist or even a counsellor.
Mar 13, 2015 more
Focus on other things that make you happy. you focus on other things and your mind will slowly get over the breakup
Apr 9, 2015 more
Getting over someone requires time . Understand It cannot happen overnight. Analysis of your relationship is necessary to know when you were wrong and when the other person was.Thank the other person for the good times you had. Go out with friends, get a new hobby and pamper yourself
Apr 17, 2015 more
by stop thinking about the good moments you had together. Thinking about those moments will make you miss the person more.
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