Best way to get over a break up?
May 9, 2015 more
How to get over someone, A step by step guide
Few concepts you must understand:
•"The One" Concept is a myth: One of the main reasons if not the main reason people don't recover from breakups is that they believe in the one Myth. Your subconscious mind can never heal if it believed that the person who broke up with you was the best person who ever existed. By learning more about the "one" concept and understanding that we all have lots of potential partners out there you will be able to get rid of the pain associated with a breakup
•Lots of people can be the One: I have explained before in my article the psychology of love that we fall in love with those who match some of the criteria we have in our subconscious mind. This means that more than one person can match our criteria!! Moreover you might fall in love with someone who matched 30 out of your forty subconscious criteria while in fact there could be a person out there who matches 35 of them!!
•Being dumped doesn’t mean that you are bad: Contrary to common beliefs a big part of the pain experienced after a breakup is not related to the person we loved but to our hurt Egos, shaken self confidence, worries about the future and the feelings of loneliness. By learning how to divide your bad feelings into small parts and by understanding the root cause behind each part's you will be able to heal yourself completely without needing the person who dumped you!!
•Recovering from breakups much faster: Once you understand why do we fall in love, why we feel bad after breakups and how love psychology works you won't only recover from the current breakup but you will get over the next ones much faster. You will never have any problems getting over someone and You will know how to get over someone even if you think that you can't forget him
Dec 15, 2014 more
I would consider the best way is through the support of close family and friends.It might also be worth thinking of the reasons behind the break up and seeing if you could take something positive from a overall 'tough' life experience eg.a knowledge that for example you do not work long terms with someone who is afraid of commitment.I would also say that trying to re-engage with activities that were a bigger part of your life prior to the relationship maybe a time demanding hobby for example could be helpful in taking your mind of it and helping you reach out soically of course you can also speak to the 7cups Listeners too.
Jan 8, 2015 more
You need to realise that it is your past now. The more you think of it, the more it will harm you. He/She didn't deserve to live in your life. Always remember that everything happens for a reason. :)
Dec 15, 2014 more
Believe in yourself that you can love another person who will make you happy than you are before. Love the person that will let you cry because of joy.
Dec 15, 2014 more
Break ups take time to get over, but in my experience there is a reason for everything. When going through a difficult break up, sometimes it's best to get out of the environment you are in, take a trip or go stay with a friend or your relatives for a while. It is not usually good to spend too much time alone.
Dec 15, 2014 more
Give yourself some time to heal. Spend time with your family and friends. Explore your interests. Find new interests. Then when you are ready, you can start to reflect and see where the problems in the relationship were, without letting your emotions get in the way.
Sep 5, 2015 more
Love yourself. Surround yourself with people you love, things you love or anythinv that makes you happy. Make yourself busy and avoid staying in your room all alone. It will haunts you every second if you give it a chance. Fill your emptiness with new hobby or going out with your family/friends. Keep yourself with motivational quotes or stories and always keep yourself healthy. It takes time to heal the broke heart, but whatever you plan to do during that certain period..make sure that you love yourself and no one can be in the same level of love towards your own body. You are worth than anything and don't harm yourself, crying all night. It doesn't change anything. Move on. Love yourself.
Sep 16, 2015 more
The best way for me to get over a break up is forgiveness. Forgive what he/she had done to me, cause as I forgive, I could have a better life and get my life back on track.
Sep 25, 2015 more
- Feel those complex emotions, without trying to avoid them
- Work on yourself
- Change of style or place, might do some good
- Try something new
- Make efforts to fall in love with yourself
- Embrace your individuality
- Work on your friendships and relationships with family
- Most importantly, vent to those who can understand and acknowledge, how you feel.
Oct 24, 2015 more
The best way to get over a breakup is to decide if the person was actually bringing out the best in you and if you two were actually encouraging and doing the same with each other. If it didn't click, then you can't really help that. Also you have to ask yourself if that person was someone who actually cared about you and if you actually felt the same yourself. You should always be willing to give them time to think unless it's all the time - then they're just over thinking and don't know what they want. If the person never really cared about you in the first place and it just didn't work, you can't sweat it. Always fight for what you love and believe in but never be someone's second choice or you're going to have to drop them.
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