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Three therapists had to tell me I have PTSD. I know that I had a rough childhood but I still feel like it's almost "dramatic" - I'm not military/first-responder/police etc. Why do I feel like this?

Profile: EventHorizons
EventHorizons on Nov 18, 2024 more
It sounds like you feel that the diagnosis isn’t proportional to your actual experiences. This is a common feeling among those living with PTSD or complex PTSD. We may feel our trauma isn’t “as bad” and that those who had firsthand experience in wars or in emergency situations somehow have it “worse.” It can seem as if they have more valid reasons to be traumatized and diagnosed with something like PTSD. This isn’t true. Whether you’re a police officer, a war veteran, an adult or a child, any experience of trauma is valid and in some ways, it’s only natural and expected, given the nature of existence. You may not have seen graphic situations with your own eyes out in the battlefield, but this isn’t necessary for a diagnosis; nor is it necessary for something to be considered traumatic. How you feel is understandable and I personally have felt similarly, as I live with cPTSD. It might help to remind yourself that the experiences which traumatized you were as bad as they were, that nothing justifies it and that you, as a child, were supposed to be protected and nurtured, but the adults around you failed to carry that out. That was their job. I’m sorry it feels like the PTSD isn’t valid and that it’s dramatic. I don’t know your exact situation nor do I know you as well as you do, but the diagnosis seems valid, especially having three therapists tell you you have it.
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