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How do I know I am traumatized by something/someone/an event?

Profile: Eitas
Eitas on Oct 30, 2024 more
While being "traumatized" doesn't entirely sync with PTSD, but i will describe some of the symptoms according to ICD-10 and DCM-5: Nightmares; flashbacks; emotional distress after exposure to traumatic reminders; physical reactivity after exposure to traumatic reminders. The body reacts hypervigilant to protect you such as a fight or flight response when you encounter any triggering stimuli that resemble something/someone an event The symptoms must present for at least one month. Excessive obsession, trauma bonding, limerence to someone. I would recommend reading The Body Keeps The Score to understand what is "trauma" to know that whether you are "traumatized" or not. Hope this help
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