Why does my teenager not tell me everything about his or her life?
Nov 7, 2014
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Often times, you act as an authority figure so it's hard for your teen to relate to you and see that you've actually gone through all the stages they have.
Dec 7, 2014
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Think back to when you were a teen, did you tell your Mom or Dad everything about your life? I've always considered myself to be very close to my Mom even throughout my teen years...but there were things in my life that were just better left unsaid to spare her feelings towards the situations. Sometimes teenagers are doing things and have drama that they just don't want to break hearts with. I say, let it be that. Their own little secret. Don't worry because if it is THAT important, I'm sure they would tell you!
Dec 15, 2015
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It's an awkward stage, being a teenager so much is changing and they are just trying to navigate through theser changes, they may be afraid of disappointing you with their actions, be there to support , and love them, as well give them a safe secure place as they pass through this phase.
Jun 7, 2016
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Often it can be very scary for a teenager to come out and say how they feel about something in their life, they are either trying to keep themselves, or you safe. It could be that they are hiding an underlying mental health issue, and therefore don't want to worry you, so feel as though it is best to tackle it alone. Sometimes opening up can be very hard, and especially hard to the ones that we love the most, but know with encouragment, they can and will open up. The key is to give time and not to push them.
Jun 30, 2020
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Being a teenager is not easy. You’re going through many ups and downs both biologically and mentally. There’s a lot of pressure, you need to make decisions about your academic future, learn as many things as you can, discover yourself -this never stops- find what makes you happy and sad and sooo many other things.
Being a parent isn’t easy as well. However, as a grown-up you know more. Teenagers aren’t obligated to tell everything to their parents neither other people. As all humans, we need to keep some things about ourselves.
I believe it’s better for a parent to be there to listen to each child or children when they need their parent or parents. For me, this is more important.
Jan 3, 2015
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Not only do teenagers like thier privacy most of the time but they may not tell you everything about thier life for many other reasons, for example, they could just want you to trust them.
Mar 11, 2015
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There might just be a lot going on. Teen years are hard (as I'm sure you know from experience). There's a lot of stress that he/she isn't used to. I think just letting him/her know that you're there to talk to, they'll talk eventually. Hope this helps :)
Jun 3, 2015
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There always comes an age during the teenage years where teens just want to be left alone and feel that not talking about their life is a form of independence. Don't worry about it too much unless you notice a change in their attitude or mannerisms.
Jan 25, 2016
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Because maybe they want their own space, their own life and they are learning how to deal with things on the own. Telling everything doesn't always have to be a bad thing.
Sep 5, 2016
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He or she is scared or shy.communication is like a balloon,if you don't blow air it doesn't look nice but if you blow too much air it will burst. Find ways and means out of your busy schedules and have time for the kids.
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