What are some good ways that I can communicate with my child in conversation to keep their attention?
Apr 3, 2018
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Ask open questions for example instead of did you have a good day at school ask what they did, this then makes them think of the days events rather than a simple yes or no answer
May 15, 2018
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Ask a lot of open ended questions ; give examples from their experience; use your childhood experience to explain stuff both good and bad; share with them how your day went ...
Dec 15, 2020
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Communication with children and babies is essential to their relationships and development. Good communication involves listening and talking in ways that make children feel important and valued. Communicating well with children helps them develop skills for communicating with others. Communicating well with children helps them develop skills for communicating with others. using your own body language to show that you’re interested in what your child wants to share with you taking into account what your child can understand and how long they can pay attention. Set aside time for talking and listening to each other. Family meals can be a great time to do this.
Turn off phones, computers and televisions when you and your child are communicating. This shows that you’re completely focused on the interaction or conversation.
Feb 14, 2022
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There are many ways a parent can communicate with their child in order to keep their attention. This all depends on the age of the child and what they are into at that time. For example, if your child is into video games try to catch their attention about talking about their favorite video game. If a parent is trying to talk about an important manner then be honest with the child and be mindful about nonverbal communication and tone of voice. Remember that parents are there to be for their child not to push them away. Lastly, if you believe your child is still not able to keep attention then, it might be time to get help from a professional to check if the child may have an attention disorder.
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