What are some good ways that I can communicate with my child in conversation to keep their attention?
Feb 7, 2015
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Look them in the eyes and speak on their level. Speak to them with respect. Speak to them, not at them. Quite often as parents it becomes a one sided conversation. While you are the parent and you do have the last word, make sure it is a real conversation with real dialogue. When kids feel like they have some input they will usually respond and pay attention better.
Apr 4, 2015
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Child like to learn and listen thinks that don't scare them. Try to be friend and talk about their friends, toons, favorite colors, don't try to ignore their creative though even though if they sounds silly and stupid. You become a child with them.
Apr 16, 2015
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First you get down to their level and at the end of the conversation have them repeat it back to you in order to see if they were listening.
May 16, 2015
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Keep the conversation on their level. If you start to wonder in the conversation about things they don't understand, you'll lose their interest. Occasionally ask them questions during the conversation.
May 22, 2015
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Use words that are age appropriate and keep sentences short and to the point so they Do not lose interest
Jun 17, 2015
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Smile a lot. Most children react well to not only being engaged verbally but also physically, so if it feels appropriate, try giving a hug or a small squeeze to the hand. Give them choices to allow them to feel that they are guiding the conversation without running away with it. Make faces. Being very expressive and engaged will keep them engaged as well.
Jun 23, 2015
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1. show that you agree with him, and suggest ideas or improvements in their plans. never criticize.
2. support them in anything hey wan to do....but tell them about the pros and cons.
3. always give him attention and time if you want it too.
4. be a good friend to him....not a serious parent.
5. make him understand....not scold or punish until its very serious.
Sep 8, 2015
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The best way to keep a child engaged in conversation is to listen to and talk about what interests him.
Nov 15, 2016
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Talk about things that interest them. If you can see they don't feel comfortable speaking to you about something, rather don't bring it up as your child will get irritated. Don't force a conversation, sometimes your child make be under pressure or something. Don't pressurize them to speak to you. They will in their own time.
Apr 2, 2018
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If it is a very young child, keep the conversation short. Use words that a young child can understand.
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