Is shared custody beneficial for my child?
Apr 30, 2015 more
It can be as long as you maintain a sense of civility with your ex. While it can be hard, it'll be beneficial for the child.
May 3, 2015 more
Unfortunately, this seems like something only you would be able to answer. Ignoring your personal feelings towards them (as hard as that may be!) do you feel like your ex-partner is a good parent? Why, or why not? Do you feel like your child would benefit from having them in their life? What are the consequences of both decisions? These are things you should consider when you make this decision. How patient is your ex-partner with your child, how do they interact, how does your child feel about them... Good luck!
Jun 6, 2015 more
My experience with shared custody was not a good one. My son's husband was unreliable and distracted. His lifestyle and mine were diametrically opposed. He was married and divorced three times. He did drugs in front of my son and encouraged him to smoke when he was just a boy. As a result, my son ended up with a heroin addiction and spent a good portion of his adult life in prison. I have six other children to my husband. I would bet everything I own that none of them have so much as smoked a joint.
Jul 21, 2015 more
Shared custody is beneficial for that child if they get along with both parents, and if both parents are suitable to be caring for that child. I share my son with his father and it's great. My child loves alternating, he has two worlds and he has one on one time with each of us.
Aug 9, 2016 more
Shared custody can be beneficial if the other parent is a good parent. The more people you have as support in raising a child the better.
Nov 15, 2016 more
As long as you and the mother or father get along then they are fine, but if you hate the father or mother it may cause the child to think it is their fault, which it is not. I have a kid and me and the dad are split, but as little as he is he seems content for the time being but his father and I are still friends.
Jun 19, 2017 more
Yes, a child who was raised by both the parents needs to be able to stay in contact with both the parents. This helps in proper mental growth of the child. There are exception as to when one of the parent is abusive or harmful for the child.
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