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I'm becoming a teen mom. What do I do and where can I find some good support?

Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 19, 2020 more
Am I late? Probably. But remember how you were raised. Combine it with what you think is best for your child as a mother and what you wish your parents would have done differently. Don't swear around them, don't smoke, do drugs, etc. Be patient. Don't hit them when they grow older. I've watched kids growing up being screamed at and cursed at. It doesn't help anyone. Your going to be great. Remember, no one has had training on being a real mom. It's a one time thing and every child is different. I personally wouldn't ever send them to nursery or preschool or daycare things. I feel like that's one thing you shouldn't do. Spend as much time with them as possible. You got this.
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Profile: KristaMari3
KristaMari3 on May 9, 2022 more
That can be a difficult situation to navigate and I have been there as well. First, look in your local community. Of course there are the governmental support programs mostly for health and financial assistance, wic etc. Also, depending on your area you may find support groups or additional resources. Google is your friend but lately local or focused Facebook groups are so helpful as a resource. If you look for instance in FB or 7cups for community groups related to moms of (where you live), expecting moms etc. I promise you will find many women who are or have been in similar situations, others who have asked for or shared resources, people giving away baby clothes, furniture etc. And you may even make some new local friends
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