How do I get my kids to stop using their phones all the time?
Sep 15, 2015 more
I tell them what it can do to them and that they really need to get off it and have real conversations.
Sep 15, 2015 more
just don't let them to use it all the time, you're the one who pays bills. switch their data to minimum.
Sep 17, 2015 more
Redirecting their attention into different activities tends to work pretty well. Perhaps planning some non-cell phone oriented activities, like camping, a day at the beach/lake, hiking, a movie night, or anything else the family can do together would be a good way to spend some non-phone time together.
Sep 29, 2015 more
Set limits and reward them from doing so. If they are receiving rewards for something, there is a high chance they will continue to do so. Don't punish them because they use them so much, just negotiate.
Oct 7, 2015 more
okay so i'm 15 and im always on my phone but the things what get me off it is when im spending time with my family, i literally wont go on it because usually am having to much fun, maybe try having a day out with your kids and you could tell them that its a no phones day or maybe once a day or week you could have a no phone hour where basically they cant go on there phones for a full hour and they have to do something else then they wont be annoyed or anything when you take the phones because they know they will get them back, also what my mum does is she always says things to me like 'there's more to life then a phone screen you know' obviously if i was a teen and my mum did this to me i wouldn't be happy but i would understand where she was coming from
hope this helps!
Oct 9, 2015 more
As kids they may find phones addictive.Trying to stop your kids suddenly from using their phones may increase their urge to use it without your knowledge. But try to stop it slowly and step by step by writing down their daily outdoor and family activities and the time of those activities including the time they spend on phone. Then think why they are using phones for long time? And increase the time they engage in outdoor and family activities by extra few minutes and increase some more minutes the next week without any big difference in their schedule. After few months they may get used to it and spend less time on phone.
Oct 15, 2015 more
It is getting more difficult to limit kids to use electronic devices because of the age we are living in. Try to change their point of interest or give them another activity to interact with, such as a sport, dance, music, art, etc.
Nov 15, 2015 more
Set an example and stop using yours. Kids follow there parents...or have the kids drop there phones in a basket during dinner and family time try it!
Dec 9, 2015 more
Engage them in fun family activities. You could watch a movie or go on a trip somewhere together. Another way to go about it is to share in the fun of technology with your kids, kind of "meeting them in the middle." Look at funny YouTube videos, Skype call a friend or relative who lives far away, or show them articles online you think they may be interested in. Technology isn't inherently bad, it can open up a whole new world of communication and knowledge.
Dec 29, 2015 more
The best way to get people away from technology is to pay attention to them. Maybe they feel like they get more attention from their phones than from the world. You have to show them that the world is beautiful without technology.
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