How can I tell my parents that I'm gay?
Jul 12, 2015 more
You're parents will listen to and appreciate every life choice you make, don't be scared. Just tell them that you have been thinking a lot recently and you are gay. When you come out everyone who loves you will accept you no matter what. The people who don't aren't needed in your life. There is a famous uote from Dr. Suess which states- Be who you want and say how you feel. Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
Jul 12, 2015 more
Just come out with it, they love you and they won't judge. They are your parents.. Yes it isn't easy but just sit them down and talk to them
Jul 15, 2015 more
Sit them down explain that you love them and so want to be honest then tell them. If you're too nervous to do this you could write a letter.
Jul 15, 2015 more
Be confident, talk to one parent rather than the other,Choose your moment, say that there is something on my mind that I find it very difficult to talk about
Jul 15, 2015 more
As a parent myself, I can honestly say that honesty is always the best policy. It might seem scary, but worrying and wondering what their reaction is going to be is likely worse than any reality. My daughter is 14 and told me that she has feelings for some of her girl friends, and that she wants to be able to explore that as freely as she's been able to explore her feelings for boys. I told her that the rules for dating girls were going to be the same and the rules for dating boys, and that if she was going to start seeing one of her girlfriends romantically, I wasn't going to allow any more sleepovers. (I don't allow her boyfriends to sleep over; why in the world would I allow her girlfriends to sleep over?) She wasn't too fond of that idea, but later she told me that she appreciated the fact that I wasn't going to treat a girlfriend any differently than I would a boyfriend.
And if talking - saying the words out loud - is too difficult, try writing a letter first. Let them read it, and then be there to answer any questions they may have.
Jul 16, 2015 more
Your parents may actually have a feeling you are gay. Just be yourself with them to talk to them honestly. Hopefully the conversation will go okay for you. If not remember we are always here for you at 7 Cups of Tea.
Jul 17, 2015 more
When I came out to my mother, I just blurted it out. I figured she was going to be accepting and she was, for the most part. With my dad, I dropped hints and he picked them up, we didn't really talk about it specifically but we understood each other. If I was to do it again, I would ask them how they feel about LGBT people first and gauge their answers so if they weren't accepting, I could avoid telling them for the time being.
Jul 17, 2015 more
I think the actual announcement although uncomfortable, would be easier than processing the after response. Remember that you need to embrace yourself completely and be prepared to use your strengths to communicate to them about your lifestyle.
Calling a family meeting over dinner at your house if you live on your own would be a good idea.
Having you in your own environment would help you to feel more comfortable and at ease in telling them.
If you don't live on your own and still live with them try calling a family meeting and slowly easing into the conversation.
Just remember that you are worthy of respect and compassion and its okay to distance yourself for a while from your parents if you receive a negative reaction.
Jul 18, 2015 more
I have plenty of friends that are gay and they often ask the same question. First, sit them down and be confident. Being gay is not a mad thing AT ALL. It is simply LIFE. If they end up not supporting your decision to be gay, then do not let that get to you. Try to still build a relationship with them and hopefully they'll come back around.
Jul 18, 2015 more
A good way to come out to your parents would be to write a letter. It'll get what you need to say across and you won't even have to be there when they read it - if you don't want to or you're nervous. And a bonus: You can rewrite it as many times as you want before you give it to them to make sure it's exactly how you want it!
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