How can I bring myself down once I have started to have a Panic Attack?
Apr 30, 2015 more
I try to create the image of a "STOP" sign in my head. I image the sign and spell out the word while taking deep breaths. It helps to distract you from the panic/anxiety, and really helps to calm you down. I've also found that playing math/puzzle based games (such as sudoku or minesweeper) really help, as it shifts gears from the right side of your brain (the emotional side) to the left side of your brain (the logical side).
May 17, 2015 more
Visualize a place where you feel happy and at peace. Focus on something around you and say out loud all the little details of what you've found. If you're visualizing a place that brings you peace say what it looks like. Make note of every little aspect of it. This helps to anchor yourself to something more solid and real.
May 30, 2015 more
Breathe in for seven seconds, hold it for eight seconds, and then exhale for four seconds. Repeat this until you begin to calm down. Water also helps sometimes too
Jun 23, 2015 more
Put on some music that you like. Sit down and close you eyes and just breath slowly. Think of the breathing and nothing else. Try to ground yourself.
Sep 22, 2015 more
Breathe!!! I suffer from panic attacks and the only thing that settles me is the more I breathe...and slowly.
Sep 29, 2015 more
Coping with anxiety can be a pain when you have panic attacks. One method I use to control myself during panic attacks is to find things in the room that are familiar. I call this technique grounding. I find three things I can touch and reminisce on their texture, a thing I can smell, and two things I can hear. If it doesn't work the first time, I find another set of 3,2,1 things until I have fully directed my attention to focusing on grounding myself and the objects and gotten my mind off of what has caused the panic.
Oct 12, 2015 more
I know this might not be everyone's best cure but for me, it is. If you can, take out something to listen to music on, find a song maybe your favourite song, one that normally just makes you happy, play that song and listen to each individual element, maybe the drums guitars and vocals, dissect the song. while doing this also try and stay concious of your breathing and slow it right down. hopefully, this distracts you and calms you down. thats what i normally, do good luck
Jun 27, 2016 more
Breathe in through your nose for 3 seconds, out through your mouth for 3. Do this 12 times, it works wonders.
Jul 11, 2016 more
Focus on your breathing and slow it down. Find something in the room you can focus on and one thing you can touch. Continue to slow your breathing down and remember this feeling will pass and will not harm you. Call a friend and chat about something until the feeling passes which it soon will.
Jul 26, 2016 more
You can look around the room and take in everything that you see and describe it to yourself. What do you see? What color is that? What does it feel like? Basically, ground yourself to reality.
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