How can I best support others when they are struggling with a full-blown panic attack?
Dec 31, 2019 more
The best way to support someone having a panic attack is to hold them tight, embrace them in a bear hug. Help them slow their breathing, calm their heart rate and let them know that you are there for them. Take them somewhere quiet to eliminate distractions or embarrassment on their part. Make sure they feel safe in their surroundings and offer to get them something to drink once they have calmed down a little. Let them know that you support them. But if they ask for space, give them space. It's more about what they need. Hope this helped.
Jan 28, 2020 more
Hold their hands softly if they don't have any issues with that and ask them to breathe deeply with you. Offer them some water which they could sip or drink slowly. If they are comfortable, give them a hug and just allow them to vent for a while, you can softly pat or stroke their back or arm. Let them know you're there to help, listen and understand them. Just try not to force or make them feel like you're in their personal space, that can further make the situation worse. Also it's best to not say things like you'll get over it or chill or calm down, their current situation is not in their control.
Jun 30, 2015 more
Remind them to breathe-- to take slow breaths, in and out. Be there for them as they struggle through it, and remind them that you're not going to leave them alone. Empathize, and suffer through the attack as they do.
Nov 17, 2015 more
Communicate with them, Hold them in a caring way, ask them if they want to go out or lay them down and ask them to breath in and out. My best friend struggles a lot with panic attacks and both of us go to a medical program :)
Feb 27, 2015 more
Try to ground them. Remind them where they are, who they are, suggest they hold something and squeeze it. Breathing exercises also help.
Feb 27, 2015 more
be there for them. let them know it will be ok and that you wont leave them. remember though, while in a panic attack, the person may not want to be around anyone. if that is the case, give them space but still be there to help them when they are ready to be around you.
Apr 9, 2015 more
Stay with the person and keep calm. Offer medicine if the person usually takes it during an attack. Move the person to a quiet place. Don't make assumptions about what the person needs. Ask. Speak to the person in short, simple sentences. Be predictable. Avoid surprises. Help the person focus by asking him or her to repeat a simple, physically tiring task such as raising his or her arms over the head. Help slow the person's breathing by breathing with him or her or by counting slowly to 10. say things like "You can get through this." "I am proud of you. Good job." "Tell me what you need now." "Concentrate on your breathing. Stay in the present." "It's not the place that is bothering you; it's the thought." "What you are feeling is scary, but it is not dangerous."
Apr 19, 2015 more
The best thing you can do to help others when they are having a panic attack is letting them know you are there for them, and that you are there to give them comfort and support.
Apr 30, 2015 more
Reassure them that they are safe, and everything is okay. Try to distract them- put on a movie, or offer to make food. Remember to not make any sudden movements or touch them without asking first- this can worsen it. Stay calm and relaxed.
May 21, 2015 more
If possible get them to a secluded or quieter area. Just sit with them and let them know that it is all going to be okay and that you are there for them. Possibly get them some water or a calming item if they have one. Where as anxiety attacks are short and usually have a trigger, panic attacks are longer and come with no warning, and may scare the person having one. Just stay with them, stay calm, and try to get them to breathe deeply until they can say how they are feeling
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