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Profile: EventHorizons
EventHorizons on Nov 18, 2024 more
Explaining OCD to your loved ones can be a challenge. Many people don’t have a proper understanding of what OCD is and how it functions, which can perpetuate misinformation. For example, I’m sure you’ve heard someone exclaim they have OCD simply because they prefer their room to be clean or the clothes in their closet to face a certain direction. While these behaviors can be related to the disorder, having those preferences alone doesn’t equate to an actual diagnosis. That said, there are a few steps you can take to ensure your relatives have a good understanding of what OCD is: 1. - Asking them what their current understanding of it is 2. - Checking if they’re willing to listen to you explain OCD and, if applicable, your experience with it. If you feel anxious about explaining, that is understandable; we can’t know how someone is going to respond, but we can take steps to make sure we are calm enough and clear in our words when the time comes. It may be easier for you to show them a definition of OCD and inform them on the different forms OCD can take. Wishing you well.
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