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Profile: RobVL
RobVL on Jul 8, 2016
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Expert more
Yes. Even perfectionists fade with time. Specifically, when one starts to realize what really matters, and what never did.
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 3, 2016 more
I believe it can decrease with age. You can grow out of a lot of things and almost all mental disorders have cures. You will just need to think of ways to work around them and cope. It may not be easy but it will get easier with time. Everything needs time especially when it means you grow out of it. I personally experienced my OCD tendencies decreasing with age :)
Profile: FairyGodfather
FairyGodfather on Nov 13, 2016 more
Short answer is no, but the real question is can OCD be controlled with age? and the answer is yes. People with OCD learn to adapt and cope with it and eventually find a way to balance it in life.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 24, 2017 more
OCD-like thinking is very common among teenagers. It is likely that when one gets older, those thoughts are milder or easier to deal with. It's as if you naturally develop better coping skills. Recognizing how common OCD thoughts are tends to already heal the pain.
Profile: alexxhere
alexxhere on Jul 16, 2016 more
In some cases, if you learn to deal with it. But normally the best ways to treat OCD is by some types of medications (I can't say specifically because it is determined on the person as well as the dose) and also CBT is very useful too: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. This can be a process of questioning and also carrying out some things to help minimize and stop the OCD. Things like delaying the obsession for a certain amount of minutes can help. I hope this helped in some way :)
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 9, 2017 more
I personally found that, to the contrary, my OCD tendencies increased with age. Part of this was largely due to the additional stresses that come with growing up. For instance, my OCD began aged five, where my stresses beyond mental health were non existent. It occurred on and off throughout childhood and my teens but came back badly once I was at university with academic pressures, financial pressures, relationship pressures etc. Such triggers are clearly unhelpful for mental health problems. Not only this, but as a child I think there can be a certain element of having great trust in your parents and authority figures: when my parents told me that I would be ok if I didn't carry out a compulsion it was reassuring to the point of helping me resist it. But with my teenage years and adulthood came the realisation that maybe my parents don't know everything and doubts that they could be sure that everything would be ok if I didn't carry out a compulsion. Maybe people have vastly different experiences but this is definitely what I've found!
Profile: LilGreenBird
LilGreenBird on Nov 12, 2017 more
OCD can present differently in people so how it changes over one's lifetime may also be different. My supervisor once mentioned that OCD which occurs children and adolescents are sometimes 'outgrown' or decrease as they get older whereas OCD that starts later in life (late adolescence or adulthood) may stay for a much longer time. Seeking treatment can also make a difference as a person who has been having treatment for longer (be in medication or therapy) could have their symptoms reduce over time as they learn to better manage them.
Profile: gracefulBeauty100
gracefulBeauty100 on Feb 15, 2018 more
Yes. There are studies that show that. But, if you have OCD you should take a therapy, because it will help you a great deal.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 11, 2016 more
It is difficult for OCD tendencies to decrease with age. With proper therapies their are chances of them decreasing gradually. more
For some people OCD tendencies do decrease with age. That actually happened with me, I use to have a lot of OCD tendencies but I was able to slowly train myself out of most of them. A lot of that was just me learning about the anxiety that was the route of my tendencies, and then learning how to deal with that anxiety.
Profile: MuniraDhamani
MuniraDhamani on Oct 16, 2016 more
OCD can't decrease with age if not dealt with it. It has nothing to do with age, it has more to do with how badly the person suffering wants to heal.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 16, 2017 more
They can, but usually they just get worse over time. Either way, one should always look for ways to seek help in order to get better. OCD tendencies can even be helped with small exercises that you can do by yourself and for free!
Profile: Fwalk4
Fwalk4 on Mar 10, 2017 more
They can but in most cases people overcome them. Suffering from OCD is not something that just goes away over night. OCD tendencies are usually used when you are stressed out. You need to work hard to overcome them and realize you went years without doing these ticks
Profile: carefreeWords70
carefreeWords70 on Jul 15, 2017 more
Based on my personal experience, OCD tendencies do tend to decrease with age. As I've grown older, I've come to be in more control of my thoughts - but I think it can be different for everyone.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 27, 2018 more
From my personal experience, they can. It all depends on stress, what is going on in your life, and the severity of your OCD.
Profile: radiantFireworks51
radiantFireworks51 on Jan 3, 2019 more
I think maybe yes. I don’t think it’s quite so natural. You will have to force yourself to stop some tendencies and that should help, but naturally I think, as a person with OCD, some of my my tendencies do tend to decrease in a way that, I don’t feel as much need to do stuff, or the stuff I do do doesn’t bother me to do as much as it use to. Scientifically I do not know the answer sorry but speaking from experience I think partly yes, but in order to fully see a decline it must be partly unnatural
Profile: riv3rrr
riv3rrr on Apr 26, 2018 more
Most likely not, because it is just the way an OCD brain is wired. You can unlearn and cure OCD tendencies with the right help at any age.
Profile: veemcc
veemcc on Jan 24, 2019 more
As I have grown, I have noticed that my OCD has changed. When I younger, it was more of having rooms and big areas organized and everything needed to be in its place. Now that I am older, my OCD has transferred into smaller, less conventional things that people wouldn't usually think of. When I eat any sort of candy or gummy where anything that has multiple flavors or colors, I have to eat them in a certain order. Whether it’s by color or flavor I can't physically eat-or in general-pick up a different colored of flavored item. I do believe that OCD tendencies can decrease as you get older.
Profile: kaleitohelp
kaleitohelp on Jul 27, 2016 more
My mother used to experience OCD as a young adult. now that she is in her 50s it is manageable.
Profile: BethTheSage
BethTheSage on Mar 12, 2017 more
OCD is an interesting condition that comes with challenges and benefits. Over time these tendencies can certainly change. They may change in frequency but that will differ from one individual to the next.
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