Why is it so important to share your feelings?
Nov 22, 2019
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Have you ever tried to pour more liquid into any sort of container which was already full? What will happen? It will overflow right? And when that happens, you are eventually going to explode. At wrong time wrong place, maybe on wrong person. And if not, even if you manage to keep everything inside, then you are gonna hurt yourself. There will always be a heaviness on your heart. You won't feel light. You won't be able to move on and will be stuck up on it. That will be a mess for you and you don't want to clean up the mess afterwards, right?
Nov 23, 2019
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Sharing is caring in all forms. It applies to sharing feelings in some manner. It shows care for others or for us. Feelings are the effects of thoughts and we are constantly bathing in a sea of thoughts and feelings which range across the whole gamut of emotions..pleasant, loving, hatred , scary, delightful, proud, anxious, guilty and so many. By sharing positive feelings we give it more strength and it has a pleasant effect on all, which helps cement positive relationships. The negative feelings too need to be shared but with certain sense of responsibility and maturity so as not to harm anyone with those. As its rightly said, the feelings have first effect on ourselves before these effect others. Modern science has established relationship between feelings and diseases so its not surprising that a many diseases are listed under psychosomatic diseases. Its all the more important to share our feelings , lest they pile up and effect us is some not-so-good manner
Dec 28, 2019
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Sharing your feelings helps you understand them better. By keeping them locked away and hidden, you won't discover how you truly feel and others won't be able to either. By having others understand how you are feeling it helps in communication and communication is key in everything. Especially in relationships whether it be a partner or a friend, being open and communicative is very important in order to understand signals and form a stronger bond. Overall, I believe it is good to share your feelings because it helps you to understand how you are feeling yourself and how others may be able to help.
Jan 2, 2020
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If we bottle up our feelings and don’t share them with other people, they can intensify and grow worse. This is more noticeable with things such as anxiety, trauma, loneliness, and depression, although it does affect everything. We may think we are strong enough to fight it alone, but if we don’t let people know we’re struggling, they may treat us in ways that worsen our struggle. For example, if people around you are routinely doing something that makes you anxious, they will continue to do that and your anxiety will grow unless you tell them how they’re feeling, in which case they’ll likely stop. If you don’t share, they will continue and your anxiety would continue to grow. Similarly, if you’re feeling uncared about because you haven’t seen certain things from your friends, you could tell them you feel lonely and they could spend more time with you and take more steps to show care. If you kept this to yourself, the loneliness would grow worse as they repeat the “uncaring†actions. Talking about it can help you realize that whatever it is isn’t as awful as you think it is- for example, a trauma. If you keep a traumatic experience to yourself, you are at a higher risk for flashbacks. If you tell someone, they can help refocus you on the present and see that it can’t hurt you anymore.
Jan 18, 2020
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Sharing your feelings can help prevent you bottling up your emotions which can be very difficult for you and others. The phrase: "a problem shared is a problem halved" really is true, we listeners are here to help and sharing your feelings brings you forward one step on your path to recovery. Sharing your feelings and emotions can help improve your lifestyle and mood. It can boost your confidence levels also. When you share your feelings you can help yourself to develop a healthy mind and body. I hope this will help you understand the importance of sharing your feelings with those you trust.
Jan 23, 2020
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It's important to share your feelings because feelings don't go away. From my experience, when I feel a strong bad emotion, it will not disappear like happiness, it stays and grows. Even if it's a series of small bad events, they build up. Imagine is like a dam holding back a river. Every time a bad emotion comes and isn't let out, it flows into the river and builds up pressure. Eventually, your dam won't be able to hold back your emotions, and something very small could knock the entire thing down. All your emotions would come spilling out in one giant rage. Others, who don't know what's happening would call it an overreaction, scorn you, and thus builds the new foundation for another storm. Sharing your emotions makes sure you don't destroy the dam.
Jan 29, 2020
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Sometimes keeping in feelings can be bad, but sometimes it can also be good. The times when keeping in feelings can be good are primarily only situations where you wouldn't be safe sharing your feelings. The bad times to keep in your feelings are when you are at risk for depression, anxiety, or other mental health problems. Sometimes when we don't tell others what's going on, our problems get worse. When we tell others what's going on, we can also share with them how they can help to make us feel better. When we do that, we can get the help that we need.
Mar 21, 2020
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Awesome question!!! I have been learning about this more and more myself, and it's friggen confusing at first. First of all, your feelings are YOUR TRUTH. Secondly, most feelings happen at a non-verbal level and just kind of show up all of a sudden because our feelings were our way of communicating with the world before we were able to speak. Each feeling indicates very important information about what you are needing in a particular moment. For example, I had some strong fear surface recently when my partner was spending a lot of time with a friend who seemed to have all the same qualities that made me special. In that moment it would have been helpful for me to express my fear, and then also my needs. I did not need my partner to stop seeing this person, actually, and in fact, I just needed some reassurance that my value was still being seen, and that our connection was not being threatened. When we expose our feelings, it helps the other person or people know what's going on with us, why our energy is so up or down. It helps them ask questions about what we need. This is super hard, though, for people who have not taken the time to study communication. They feel threatened by emotions of our that may at first seem incompatible with what they actually want. This is where therapists come in. They want to hear what is happening inside you, and are not going to react to it because they are a third party. They can help you figure out how to talk to other people in a way that will create harmony. Something you can also do to support your process of expression is to study non-violent communication. This empowers you to get what you really want and need, rather than feeling powerless to your circumstances. It also humanizes and empowers the other people to really be there for you through well constructed requests. Lastly, I just wanna say, expressing emotions is awkward for all of us, so take it easy on yourself, just practice it a little bit at a time.
Apr 2, 2020
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There are a few reasons for that: Firstly, certain things which we carry act as an anchor, which will make us harder to move forward. Then the sharing those feeling may help to an extent. Secondly, take an instance, if you are carrying certain problems to be solved, and it is really making you frustrated, sometimes sharing can bring solutions to those problems. Thirdly, your experience can be someone else's lesson too. Fourth, some feelings can cause or create fear, fear cannot stand when it is exposed. Saying it out loud can keep those fear away. Fifth, what if the other might have gone through it or going through it. That way you both can help each other and sort that thing out.
I would say there are many reasons you must share. In that way, we would be able to listen to ourselves and to others. And it can even bring peace in our heart.
Apr 3, 2020
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When feelings are stuck inside they can lead to physical pain, but if you do get it all out you will definately feel better. Keeping your feelings inside is also a way those feelings can grow into something bad, like hurting yourself or others, but when you share these feelings they will become less about physicaly hurting someone. Also when you get your feelings out you can also examine them, explain them and understand them. And understanding our feelings helps us cope with them and deal with them. When others know what you are going through it is more likely they will understand you better, so thats also why it is important to share our feelings. And you can also be an example for others or you will motivate them to do more about what they feel.
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