Why do I sometimes feel sad for no reason?
Feb 14, 2016
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Usually, it is for a reason- the reason just isn't obvious to you at the moment. We have many things to be sad about throughout the day, and sometimes we don't realize what they're doing or why we're experiencing feelings of sadness. Writing down your feelings, such as in a journal, is a great way to help with this.
Feb 27, 2016
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Well it could be depression. If it is, there could be chemicals in your brain not working quite right and causing you to feel sad without a trigger. That's what medications help with.
Mar 2, 2016
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Being sad is one of those human things that can be ultimately annoying at times but at the same time be very, very human too. Everyone feels sad at one point or another in their life, and after a tragic event or something that really made an impact on you feeling sad can be as normal as feeling any other emotion in the world, especially if you're a teenager experiencing puberty AKA an explosion of hormones and moods. The only thing is, if you find yourself constantly feeling down, sad or depressed, things could definitely be more serious an that's when I would advise seeking help or some sort of grip on what exactly your situation is. Sometimes, you won't need to see a doctor right away or therapist, but it might be better to talk to someone you trust, like a teacher, guidance counselor (if you're in school), parent, sibling (seeing that they're the right age, of course) and honestly just really anything along those lines. If you don't think it's that big of a deal and don't want to make a huge fuss out of it, don't worry, just assess your feelings and/or take the 7cups emotional wellness test. It's helpful, and doing it every day helps you figure out were your sadness may stand on the scale (depression, anxiety, normal, etc.)
Mar 4, 2016
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You feel sad, because something unwanted happen.
And in long term, sadness become your life-style.
Why do i say so? Because if you're continously being sad, your mind will programs it as your behavior and tendency to be sad.
Mar 4, 2016
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HORMONE that's for me.Or maybe you are stressed with your surroundings/problems because you can not solve it that, can also leads to becoming sad
Mar 11, 2016
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it happens, it is a natural part of life. Its perfectly okay to feel that way sometimes as long as your being positive and happy again.
Mar 12, 2016
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It is natural sometimes things upset you or reading a tragedy story to hearing others losses or things they have lost so techniquelly lots of reasons it comes with no answers to it.
Mar 17, 2016
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That's a sign of depression. Go for a run! or do something you love to keep your happy hormones going !!!!
Mar 17, 2016
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Feeling sad for no reason, is usually due to deep or intense concerns from the past maybe or current, at times it is nothing but just that you choose to feel sad, whatever the case be, we always and always can try and get over and choose to be happy, thats how it goes !
Mar 18, 2016
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Sometimes it's because you're feeling stressed out over so much things that you don't realize. Also, hormones are rather fickle creatures
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