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Profile: undergroundghouls
undergroundghouls on May 31, 2016
Managing Emotions Expert more
I sometimes enjoy feeling sad because it reminds me that I have the ability to feel something at all
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 3, 2016 more
I think sadness can become a part of us sometimes. It doesn't define a person but it can become almost like a shadow. As humans, we don't like change. People who struggle with depression and sadness are in that dark place so much it almost becomes like a home. We relish the feeling of sameness and the twisted comfort it brings. Sometimes we feel we deserve to be sad. We cannot wait to just wallow and let out our frustrations. Sadness is weirdly addictive.
Profile: PeacefulFruit
PeacefulFruit on Oct 2, 2016 more
There is something addictive about feeling sad! It is a very strange thing. Think about all the people who enjoy watching sad movies and crying. There is certainly something about it that we enjoy but it has no benefit, so why do we do it? I know that when I start to feel sad, it's like I want to justify it. So I start thinking of why I am sad. Often there won't be any real reason, and that in itself can make me sadder! I feel sad because I have no reason and it just turns into a spiral. I want my sadness to be real and objective because otherwise I am just being sad for no reason. Also it can be become a bit of an identity, I am the sad guy. I have all this sadness, my life is so hard, nobody knows the struggles I go through. I find myself looking at other people, hoping that they will reach out to me and understand my sadness. But in reality I keep myself away from people because I feel like they can never understand it. So it's a catch 22, I want people to help, but I hide away from them because I feel like they don't understand. So sadness is quite addictive and it leads to a downward spiral. I think recognizing this is what is happening makes it much easier to snap out of. You can almost laugh at yourself when you catch yourself doing this. For deep sadness maybe it takes some more work but a lot of sadness can be very easily let go of when we realize what we are doing is totally pointless and silly. Then we can be free!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 1, 2015 more
Because by enjoying being sad we are embracing being sad, we are mindful of our state, we are having compassion for ourselves and by not fighting sadness, we can move on to become present to other states as they emerge in our experience
Profile: Hannah3
Hannah3 on Mar 19, 2015 more
I think you could be the type of person who needs to fully experience the emotion you're going through, so you want to give due time to being sad. You may not see being sad as a concretely negative thing that needs to be escaped as soon as possible, but rather simply a different emotional state. We're often conditioned to think of it as something negative, but it doesn't have to be. Sadness, like happiness or angry, just signifies a type of response to a stimulus. It's okay to enjoy being sad, even though it is often misunderstood by others.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 26, 2016 more
Sometimes feeling sad gives us some much-needed attention. We're on go-go-go all the time. But when we're sad, we stop and pay attention to yourselves and how we feel. We may even treat ourselves better than we normally would.
Profile: IPersonalJesusI
IPersonalJesusI on Aug 18, 2017 more
Because feeling sad is better than pretending to be fine and bottling things up until they start to hurt you even more.
Profile: Greatlistener87
Greatlistener87 on Nov 9, 2015
Managing Emotions Expert more
Sometimes when you are too used to feeling sad, you can enjoy doing so or in other words get comfortable with it.
Profile: farr200216
farr200216 on Oct 20, 2016 more
It is an emotion that makes you feel alive and that you can actually feel something. I sometimes like being sad because it makes me feel better after i'm done crying, it's like a cleanse
Profile: SophieJay1496
SophieJay1496 on Nov 16, 2016 more
In my personal experience, I get so used to feeling and being sad or low, that it becomes a comfort, a safety blanket, comfortable. I recognise being low and sad, and in that recognition, and in constant sad times, it is a safe place. Sometimes being happy, or feeling happy after a low time can be very disconcerting and very scary. I am used to being low and upset, happiness is somewhat of a rarity, and with that rarity comes anxiety and nervousness.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 30, 2016 more
Allowing yourself to feel sad, just means that you're allowing yourself to be in touch with your emotions. Holding certain emotions back is unhealthy.
Profile: cloudystarlight
cloudystarlight on Nov 11, 2016 more
In everyday life we're expected to feel happy and good because it makes others uncomfortable to deal with unhappy people. We learn to bottle up frustration, anger and sadness. However, sometimes it just feels good to just loosen up that emotional corset and be sad for a while. It's normal and healthy to not be happy all the time.
Profile: scotty4947
scotty4947 on Nov 3, 2016 more
Throughout my life, I have enjoyed sadness before. My life was very boring/dull. I didn't have much going on and everyday felt the same. I enjoyed feeling sad because it made me feel something different, something outside of my day-to-day norm. Maybe the same is happening for you.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Feb 16, 2015 more
I think sometimes its humbling to experience the emotion pallet. If were always in one set mood, the highs dont seem so high not the lows seem so low. When we experience things in different settings, I think it helps us recognize whats truly good in our day to day life
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 3, 2018 more
Because no one is happy all the time and it takes a lot of energy to pretend to be happy when you actually want to just be sad.
Profile: 11lovingkindness11
11lovingkindness11 on Nov 3, 2016 more
Sometimes, I enjoy feeling sad because it lets me know that I am healing some where that I am hurting.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 15, 2017 more
Forcing yourself to feel happy all the time only puts pressure on you. Being sad sometimes makes you appreciate happiness.
Profile: FoodForTheSoul
FoodForTheSoul on Sep 24, 2016 more
It just might be that, paradoxically, the only way you know you can feel better is by reveling in sadness for an ephemeral period. This can include tearing up which in my experience helps me feel a lot better.
Profile: NickDB14
NickDB14 on Apr 19, 2016 more
There's a healthy balance between too much happiness and sadness. I happen to enjoy being sad every now and again. It keeps my emotions in balance. :)
Profile: Blueteaburrito26
Blueteaburrito26 on Nov 24, 2016 more
This is possibly because it has become a regular emotion in your life that you most likely fall back on as a cushion to feel normal or even to cut yourself away from situations you dislike. You may also be experiencing confidence issues which make feeling sad validated in your everyday life because you feel you deserve that.
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