why do i feel the need to smash or punch things when im upset ?
25 Answers
Moderated by Joe Nelson, Licensed Clinical Social Worker Doctor of Social Work
Updated: Jul 28, 2020
Apr 23, 2018
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Sometimes, when people are upset, they find themselves needing to have a physical outlet for their emotions. Instead smashing or punching things, go for a run or to the gym.
Jul 13, 2020
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This used to be me, and it was because I had no other outlet for my anger. Anger MUST be released, it CANNOT be contained. How you choose to release it is up to you.
The healthiest way is a mental release in the form of meditation, reflection etc. but this is not something that is so easy to do.
I feel like anyone who is angry should vent to someone. Do not sit on your anger. Talk to somebody about what makes you angry, yell at them in caps, etc. (just make it clear that you are venting, not actually angry at them).
Scream into a pillow if you need to. Cry if you need to.
When all of these other outlets to release your anger are blocked, it goes out the last way it knows how: through intense physical action. Violence. Punching. Kicking.
Jun 7, 2016
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It's normal to feel the need of releasing all the energy you are getting by holding yourself. What's not healthy is when you feel the need to smash EVERYTIME you feel upset.
For this I do impact sports. It could be as light as running (impact from the ground) or even boxing. It really helps to release that energy regularly from the stress. Some might prefer to do completely the opposite, like tai chi or Yoga.
Search your best method to use that energy you are holding from being upset.
Feb 24, 2020
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We have a lot of emotions that we as humans have to try to navigate, and anger is a very strong and difficult one to navigate. “ By hitting something, the energy stored is consumed and brain gets a signal of satisfaction and a pacifying state is made available to partially nullify the anger rising within specific areas of brain.†By punching something you’re inflicting pain on something else and yourself, which can help your inner anger, but will not help in the long run. It’s the same idea as sexual frustrations your body wants the feeling to find relief, but is not the correct answer.
Jul 28, 2020
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Everyone is bound to feel upset now and then but when there is a need to smash or punch ,That's anger. Raw anger which is finding a way to be release. Just like how the hot lava flows out of a volcano when it's top blows off and destroys everything as it flows, smashing and punching things are also going to destroy your peace , your relationships, your self respect and dignity. Sort through your feelings and find what triggers you or who triggers you. Sometimes it can be your own Ego which feels upset when it is not given its due recognition. Basically be aware and alert and make different choices of response when you are upset. You could just walk away to take a breather. You could go for a jog to release the build up energy . You could do breathing exercises to calm yourself. Being upset does not need to end with anger. That would not help you to sort/solve or even look deeper into the issue that made you upset .
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