What makes a person emotionally strong?
Jan 30, 2020
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A person is emotional strong when they are placed in difficult situations outside of their own control or they are feeling like the situation they got themselves into is now over powering them, however they are able to handle to situation with strength and determination. An emotionally strong individual will be in a difficult situation but still show care, compassion and love to those individuals around them as they do not take their emotions and frustrations out on others. Emotionally strong individuals will cry, become upset and express all other emotions as it is perfectly normal to do so however they know that deep within themselves that they can make it to the other side of their current situation. They are also not afraid to ask and seek for help from their family and peers or trained professionals.
Feb 20, 2020
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One of the biggest things that makes a person emotionally strong is their support system. Countless research has shown the importance of a strong support system. It's a protective factor for depression and a predictor of resilience along with so many other positive things. Being emotionally strong on your own is a huge task but when you have others to count on and turn to, it is so much easier. We have to look to others to build support us in times of need yes but also in times of joy. Emotional strength comes in building both ends of the emotional spectrum.
Mar 11, 2020
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Being emotionally strong means different things to different people. Generally, I would say it means being able to understand and manage emotions, and having the ability to help others do the same. Being emotionally strong does not mean always being happy or never crying. It doesn't mean never showing emotions or plastering on a fake smile. That's the opposite, in fact. It means saying to oneself "I am feeling jealous right now because of xyz." and then finding a coping method and solutions. Additionally, being able to sympathize with other people is another sign. "John, it appears that you're frustrated right now. Would you like to talk about it?" Is a good way to approach a conversation with someone who is struggling. Lastly, having the ability to admit weakness and asking for help is a huge indicator of being emotionally strong.
Mar 27, 2020
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I believe what makes a person emotionally strong is themselves. Strength comes from within, when you practice how to control your emotions and manage your stress and anxiety. You get stronger and develop a method to manage any future stresses. It takes time, patience and hard work but it can be done. Believing in yourself, having self confidence, self worth and self knowledge are great ways to ensure you are emotionally strong. This can be done with many different methods, do what feels comfortable for you and what is best for your emotions. Improving your well being and you're lifestyle can also help you to become emotionally stronger.
Mar 28, 2020
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Comfort and affection
They make a big difference in someone's life and without it we fall apart easily because no ones there to support us or help...
You need someone to cry onto
to speak your worries too
And just have so that you can be strong for and wanna make happy.
If you have someone like that in your life you will feel less worried about the things you normally worried about and feel more at ease.
To be emotionally strong is something we all try to do and want but at times things don't go our way and we fall apart.
Apr 8, 2020
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There are many things that make an emotionally strong person. Feeling secure within yourself definitely helps.
Felling secure comes from making good decisions and having a life of friends, family and others that are supportive and encouraging of your decisions.
Trusting yourself is a big part of emotional strength. Being able to take a risk on things that will improve your circumstance gives a person emotional strength that is built upon.
A an important trait is being persistent. The ability to have a vision of what you want and working toward the goal no matter how difficult or challenging. Never give up!
Life always has challenges. Emotionally strong people know that and have an attitude of acceptance or "bring in on." They also have a sense of gratitude for what they have.
May 5, 2020
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A person who is emotionally strong is someone who can control all feelings and understand the underlying reasons why they may be getting them. They know why, how, and when they feel certain emotions, and actively talk about them with those around them and with people they trust. They know that certain feelings are only temporary and, it may seem like it is the worst of the worst in their lives, they will get through it. They have made it this far, so what do a few more years do? I really hope this helps in some way! Thanks for listening.
May 6, 2020
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What makes a person emotionally strong really depends on what matters to a person the most. For me, personally, there are several factors that make me emotionally strong. First, my support system, such as my family and friends; they are the ones who influenced me to be who I am today. My family and friends gave me the strength to overcome challenging times in my life. Second, my mistakes; for a person to be emotionally strong, he or she can make mistakes throughout one's lifetime, and we learn from such mistakes. Lastly, I learn from my experiences which include both of my achievements and mistakes.
May 15, 2020
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Being emotionally "strong" is something we hear all of the time. From my perspective, being "emotionally strong" really is about being aware of your feelings and being assertive enough to communicate them and understand them. Strong does not mean things do not bother you, or you don't fall apart. Even those who are perceived to be the strongest have hard days. Being emotionally strong is recognizing feelings, understanding how they impact decision making. Its an overall awareness.. and not a hard exterior with an emotionless person inside. I really hopes this helps! I got it wrong for many years, thinking strong meant nothing jolted me. Not true!
May 24, 2020
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I think what makes a person emotionally strong is their ability to acknowledge the feelings they have and persevere even through negative ones. It doesn’t mean being ice cold and not feeling negative emotions, it’s about acknowledging and working through the situations and emotions that challenge us. Someone who is emotionally strong is self aware and can keep their emotions and actions in tune without hurting others. They don’t react irrationally and try their best to avoid hurting others in reaction to challenging circumstances. An emotionally strong person knows there is always room to grow and grows from their challenges.
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