What makes a person emotionally strong?
Sep 29, 2018
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Love is the purest thing in the world, the only one that gives ys strength to overcome our own limits. Self love is very important. Loving your significant other. The summer breeze. The ocean. The aurora borealis. The mountain landscape. Everything that surrounds us should be loved and appreciated. We just need to open our hearts. To discover how beautiful is this short life that we have and hold on to it as much as we can because what's more beautiful than blossoming as a human being and making the world a better place? Love gives us strength. Love is always the answer. The only one.
Oct 20, 2018
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Confidence and love is what makes a person strong. Love them and they gain confidence , when they are confident about themselves they will love themselves and those around . So accosting to me love and confident goes simultaneously. It is like a process where one is nothing without the other or we can say one supports the other . In one way of the other. With love comes kindness , goodness and happiness . In fact all virtues we look for in people around and all virtues we should have within us at all times. So spread love.
Nov 3, 2018
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An emotionally strong person has gone through many hardships and has learned how to(somewhat) navigate their feelings. Almost like you teach yourself how to deal with them & keep them in your grasp. Going through hardships, physical & mental illnesses, family tragedies; even the loss of someone. It’s not so much that people are emotionally strong, it’s just more about learning how to somewhat control them. I’m not saying it’s always going to work, but any step in a direction you WANT to go towards is an amazing one. Have faith in yourself & never give up on finding that self love.
Nov 25, 2018
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A person who is emotionally strong isn’t necessarily someone who never cries and keeps their emotions within. It’s someone who acknowledges all their pain and emotion and deals with it, whether they need to rant about it and tell someone or if they need to cry and break down a little bit. Either way, they’re acknowledging their struggles and they’re coping with it, which is extremely brave and they must be incredibly emotionally strong to be accepting their pain, welcoming it so they can deal with it and overcome it so they get to a point where they no longer feel the pain.
Dec 5, 2018
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This is a very tough question. As there is no right or wrong answer. Emotionally strong could be someone who takes care of their mental health. It could also be someone who is immensely happy. There are so many definitions to this. A person may be emotionally strong because they journal all their thoughts and feelings. They may care greatly about themselves. They may take charge of their health. An emotionally strong person may be someone who cares for other people while caring for themselves. They may live for themselves. They may go above and beyond to fine their happiness
Dec 30, 2018
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Emotional strength is a very individualistized characteristic. For some people, emotional strength is being able to identify and process their emotions and figure out what their feelings are telling them. For others, emotional strength is not letting their emotions overwhelm them or prevent them from doing things. To me, emotional strength means allowing yourself to feel your emotions and experience them instead of invalidating your feelings or trying to diminish them. When I worked on being emotionally strong, I also worked on allowing myself to reach out for help when I was overwhelmed, and worked on having the emotional intelligence to know when my feelings were becoming too much for me to handle alone, and when to back away from an emotional situation or conversation. Emotional strength is, in a way, about self-care and figuring out how to best care for you when you are experiencing powerful emotions.
Feb 17, 2019
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For a huge part of my life, I was just sad and angry. The smallest things set me off. Even when I knew the things I was crying over or getting angry over were so silly, I couldn't control myself. I always felt vulnerable and had a lot of defenses.
And then there came a turning point in my life and it was life changing and painful and heart breaking. For two years I kept mainly to myself and explored the depths of my soul and by the time, I had to step in to the world again, something had changed in me. I had recognized my shortcomings, mistakes and weaknesses. I accepted myself, tried to overcome some shit and ofcourse it's not easy to make everything right. I ended up making peace with who I was as a whole, faults and all.
Now I feel grounded. I still breakdown sometimes but I know that I can get over most things in life. I have become open minded, understanding and empathetic. So I feel a person who is emotionally strong loves themselves and has the ability to accept others the way they are.
Mar 6, 2019
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It all depends on what being emotionally strong means to you. From a life coach perspective, I would say a person is emotionally strong when they are balanced in their life. They are able to support others while maintaining their own emotional health. They are the person you can count on when you need them, but they also know their own boundaries and can say no without feeling guilt. Another sign is knowing how to empathize with others without losing your own self in their troubles. You feel for them while understanding that you are not responsible for their problems, only for supporting them through the problems.
Mar 15, 2019
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Experiences are what makes a person emotionally strong. You can't be emotionally strong if you've never gone through a tough experience. Experiences are what shape our lives and how we choose to live them as humans. When you go through hard times, you often come out the other side stronger. Whether physically or emotionally or otherwise. Defining what makes a person emotionally strong isn't a science. Different people can be emotionally strong in different ways. What is extremely painful for one person might be an average day for another. What's important is to know everyone is going through something, so treat everyone with kindness.
Mar 21, 2019
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I believe that what makes a person emotionally strong is their ability to persist.
Think of yourself as a flame, one that flickers and dies down but continues to burn nonetheless; sure, at times you may ebb to a light so dim you're unsure as to whether the fire is still going, and it may make you think lesser of yourself... but you'll come back. The quality of resilience is something that many find admirable, and it's not without reason. There will be times when you feel as though the world is trying to snuff out your light, but if you persist you'll find that there's more.
That's what I think makes a person emotionally strong.
It's human to come to a standstill, but it's also human to trudge onwards.
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