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Is it normal to have numerous physical symptoms as a result of emotional stress?

Profile: Heather225
Heather225 on Jul 3, 2018 more
Yes. Stress puts massive strain on the body. You are prone to getting sicker as the immune system is weakened by stress. The things we do while under stress can cause all kinds of muscle tension. It's normal, but you should definitely be looking at these symptoms and taking them seriously.
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Profile: SupportiveSockMonkey
SupportiveSockMonkey on Apr 24, 2018 more
Yes, because emotional stress can drain your body and leave your immune system low which can increase physical symptoms and illness.
Profile: starshopping4eva
starshopping4eva on Aug 14, 2018 more
Yes it is normal because emotional stress can cause physical health problems. The best thing to do is to seek help from a doctor to not make matters worse.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 25, 2018 more
Yes physical symptoms happen because of emotional stress but it's not normal and It should be treated , the physical symptom i went through was "legs shaking" but I wasn't sure if it was because of anxiety as it can happen from ADHD too and I think I'm ADHD somehow , And as I read it says legs shaking may happen because the lack of dopamine , I think you can treat Anxiety with reading (it really helped me and I now control it somehow ) or friends (talking to them or asking them for help or something ) or sports or the psychiatrist or by medications (this is the worst case And I hope it doesn't get to that)
Profile: Maya1016
Maya1016 on Aug 11, 2020 more
Yes it is common to experience numerous physical symptoms as a result of emotional stress. Emotional stress can, and often does constitute of a variety of emotions (anger, sadness, frustration, anxiety, etc). In many cases these feeling can produce physical symptoms. In many cases, these physical symptoms require medical attention. Don't hesitate to visit/reach out to your doctor if you experience these physical symptoms. From firsthand experience I can share that physical symptoms as a result of emotional stress really do make you feel worse and can often lead to depression. Emotional stress is often overlooked to only affecting individuals mentally and emotionally. However, that is untrue, emotional stress can definitely affect an individual physically.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 25, 2023 more
Yes. In that case, it is important to be working, with a health care provider, if you can. They should be able to help you out, with the physical symptoms. They can also, refer you to a mental health provider. Also, something you might consider, is seeing if there are support groups in your area that deal with emotional stress. Here at 7cups, we have trained active listeners. So you might want to give that a try. Also, at 7cups, we have Group Support Chatrooms. In those rooms members support each other. To lessen the emotional impact of stress, some have tried meditation or Yoga, and found it helpful. But you have to find what would work for you. I hope this helps to answer your question. I wish you the best of luck.
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