How can I stop being a compulsive liar?
Sep 27, 2018 more
It is incredibly hard to stop compulsive lies, but thinking of the reasons of why are you doing so might help. Maybe you do not think you are worthy and good enough without all that made up things, but that is not true. You are deserving of love, care and support just the way you are. Another reason, tied up closely to the previous, might be anxiety. Seeking help for anxiety management might help to stop compulsive lies. Sometimes we lie to get out of socially uncomfortable situations and that might become an unhealthy coping mechanism if a person has anxiety.
Dec 8, 2018 more
How can I stop being a compulsive liar?
Honesty is the best policy. Lying time and time again - it won't matter if no-one finds out your lies. What matters is the effect it will have on you. Spinning a web of lies will have a bigger, more negative impact on you than it will the person you're lying to, or what you're lying about.
Lying WILL eat away at you until soon all you feel is guilt.
Yes, lying can be a lot easier than telling the truth. It can seem like the easier way out in the short run. But in the long run, it's only going to have a negative impact on your life and on who you are as a person. Don't let that happen. Be the best version of you that you can be.
Mar 6, 2019 more
Compulsive lying always has a root cause for this behavior. It is often a past trauma that greatly affected you, but you haven't yet dealt with the aftermath. Can you pinpoint when this started or why it started? Talking to a therapist can also help, especially if you are having trouble remembering what caused your compulsive need to lie. You may feel guilt and shame after lying, but know that it is a symptom of something underneath that just needs to be worked out. Sometimes, compulsive lying is a symptom of a personality disorder or a mental health disorder. Seeing a therapist or psychiatrist will help you get to the bottom of it so you can become a happier, healthier you.
Apr 26, 2019 more
Lying is a hard habit to break, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. It takes a lot of self-correction. I used to be a bit of a compulsive liar myself. One day I really saw how much it was hurting the people I cared about and I decided I needed to change. The most important thing is to call yourself out on it. If you find yourself in the middle of a lie, literally stop and tell yourself “no†and revise it to the truth. It might seem silly but it really works. Don’t be embarrassed by it. If anyone asks what you’re doing, tell them the truth. Tell them you are trying to break your habit of compulsive lying and that you do WANT to tell them the truth. Most people will be very understanding and appreciative of this, especially if they are close to you. It does take a lot of time and practice, and you shouldn’t expect instant results, but in the end, as long as you’re persistent, it WILL work. Then you will see your relationships heal even if you didn’t know they were broken, and it will have definitely been worth the effort.
May 17, 2019 more
The first step to stop being a compulsive liar is to own up to your truth. Start with baby steps. It is very hard to go from lying 24/7 to being truthful. Begin with things that are small, such as not lying about not brushing your teeth, or going to bed at a specific time. Also, it is crucial to recognize that you are lying. Before beginning to speak, sit down and reflect on your choice of words. If you suspect untruth, you may want to recollect your thoughts. Lying can weaken and stress relationships with people, so it is crucial to learn how to decrease it.
Jun 1, 2019 more
We often lie to hide things. To keep things that we’re ashamed of secreted from others. So you have to dive deeper and break through the surface and realize why you’re lying. Why you’re hurting. The word “truth†scares many people, because they translate its definition to mean shame, embarrassment, overwhelming and burdensome pain, depending on the situation. Lying always has a root cause. In order to stop, you have to ask yourself what your root cause is. Even if it’s embarrassing or it makes you feel ashamed of yourself, if you come to terms with it and are brutally honest with yourself, it will help you in the long run.
Jul 24, 2019 more
Try to focus on reminding yourself that the lies add up and can be detrimental to yourself and those around you. A lie can start small and often times grow into something uncontrollable. The best thing is to just be honest even if you are scared. The truth may hurt sometimes, but it’s a lot easier to come to terms with. Additionally, it can strengthen your relationships. Lying hurts people and relationships. It’s never good to lie to people who care about you or who you care about. Just remember trust is a valuable thing. If you lose it, it may be difficult to gain it back. Work on being more truthful but by bit. The truth always finds a way.
Nov 20, 2019 more
Baby steps. Acknowledging the problem means you have the self-awareness. Self-awareness means that you need to gradually dial it down. It won't be easy - since people will remember you for the things you said in the past. However, I think you can do it. Before saying anything potential harmful or anything, just stop and think about the potential consequences for those actions (both imagined or real). Actually write down or record your voice on the thing you want to say and weigh out the pros and cons. First do it once in a while, then gradually increase the amount of time you write about your actions so that your amounts of lies will reduce.
It also helps to know what was your motivation or purpose of lying in the first place. You likely had some goal in mind - for example, you lied a lot because you wanted to be popular. So in this example, you would need to brainstorm other ways to become popular, by channeling it through acting. At least with acting, you can lie in a socially acceptable way.
Dec 12, 2019 more
Everyone has been through this kind of period, and somehow it is not your fault if you had already figure that there's something wrong with your behavior. Taking me as an example, when I was a little younger than now, I was quite stressed out. And this led to some serious consequences—I became exactly as what you've mentioned above. But after I softly changed little by little and made some adaptation to the environment, I feel better and more relaxed. This is just a period and all you need to do is to relax, not to push yourself. Everthing will be exactly as what it will be.
Mar 26, 2020 more
Well what good does lies offer. It only makes on guilty, regretful or question their behavior in the end of the day. Be honest and straight up with people. When you are going to lie, think about the why and if there is a reason, then say what u actually feel and state the reason behind why u r feeling this way. There are ways of assertively telling someone something in a respectful manner without being rude or lieing. Lieing can get you into big mess. Truth frees you from the stress and pain. Be assertive and be positibe.
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