How can I keep my emotions under control and stay mindful when I am feeling so many different emotions so intensely?
Mar 3, 2015 more
You can focus on understanding the you are a human being and that however or whatever emotions you are feeling that they are defining you as a human being. Under all the hurt and negative emotions sits the very essence of you that was brought into this world to love others and to be loved in return.
Mar 4, 2015 more
Have you ever tried guided meditation? There are several of them you can find on youtube. I personally recommend anything by Lilian Eden.
Apr 13, 2015 more
Act according to your emotions but know your limits. Communicate and share your feelings. If your angry, say that a particular thing makes you angry and know the basic reason behind it. If you are happy..celebrate , be thankful. If your upset, share it .
May 18, 2015 more
Find Something to take your mind off whatever is bothering you. When I'm upset at something I play video games to help me escape. And Its only a temporary solution but sometimes that little time allows me to calm down enough to be able to handle my situation. Just try to find something you like to distract you.
May 23, 2015 more
focus on the positive no matter what, whenever you find yourself thinking negatively take a deep breath and reverse it to positive keep doing it until your minds calm and you can think properly
Aug 3, 2015 more
just take a deep breath and think before you do anything. "will this action affect things badly or good in the long run?"
Aug 17, 2015 more
Try your best to keep yourself distracted during the day but, when you get home have a good cry. It helps. :)
Sep 8, 2015 more
You can consider trying calming or grounding techniques to help you relax and get a grasp on things.
Dec 1, 2015 more
This is a very difficult and common problem. Depending upon your issues, confidence and self-esteem, you might want to look into seeing a counsellor who can provide you with other alternatives such as CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) and if required, anger management groups. I know it's scary, it's terrifying to think of the aspect and to talk to a stranger so openly about your real emotions, especially if you think they'll judge you or won't understand; but these people have been trained and you're under no obligation to see a gender you don't feel comfortable seeing. If you want to see a male, request it and they will be more than happy to put you on a male's list. If you're nervous about it, you can always have telephone consultations instead with a counsellor and steadily take it from there onwards and request to speak with them face to face if you feel comfortable doing so. There's also different organisations such as here we have MIND, SAMH and The Samaritans who listen to you and they're not there for advice but simply to listen such as this website but on the phone, by email or by text. You can phone them up any time of the day or night. Have a look in your area, you don't have to suffer in silence. Hope this helps.
Apr 5, 2016
Managing Emotions Expert more
When you are feeling very emotional, its good if you can give yourself some space and time away from others to go through the emotions and get over it before you move on.
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