Are psychopaths necessarily bad people?
Jul 30, 2020 more
No they aren't. I believe that it is a mix of all different kinds of factors that led them to that certain behavioral path. Behavior can be affected by so many things that are out of their control. For example, it could be a part of their family. Mental illnesses in parents can cause their children to also have a high risk of developing a mental illness later on in life. This is completely out of the person's control and they should not be blamed for it. It is part of their DNA and cannot be changed because that is just who they are.
Aug 15, 2020 more
Well, the thing is, psychopaths are born (whereas sociopaths are formed). In other words, their brains are structured and wired differently. In a psychopath's mind, the world revolves around themselves. Nothing else matters but their existence. They see other people as objects and targets for abuse and deception. At first, psychopaths can come across as extremely charming, but like I mentioned above, they're just planning to hurt you. Now, not all diagnosed psychopaths act impulsively or with violence (although I'd say most, or at least half, do), and some non-psychopaths have psychopathic tendencies. Overall, because psychopaths are usually pretty dangerous, it's probably best to avoid hanging around them.
Dec 13, 2020 more
No they are very misunderstood people they are human and they should be respecting for who they are. Love them like a human and treat them like a human sometimes not getting attention in life could cause you feeling like you might be a psychopath because you are always on your own and sometimes you can start to have trust issues and develop stuff. Also sometimes your family members or someone close to you can start joking around and saying your a psychopath and lead you into believing when in reality its not true. All psychopaths aren't bad people because they just sometimes can do stuff out of the ordinary.
Feb 12, 2022 more
By my own definition, I define a bad person as someone who harms people. There is no fixed definition for a psychopath, but generally its someone who manipulates others, exhibits socially irresponsible behaviour, lies etc due to having a lack of empathy (according to healthline) so I would say that yes, psychopaths are bad people. You could argue that good and bad are subjective terms, but by my definition of bad, psychopaths definitely fit the book. I've met a psychopath before and TW//////////////////they tried to choke me and were a hundred percent serious about it. Psychopaths not having empathy is not what makes them bad, but lacking empathy allows them to be bad people more easily.
May 27, 2022 more
In short, no. If someone has a mental health disorder, they can’t help that. The actions they take may be bad, but the person isn’t necessarily bad. In some cases it might just be who the person is, but in others maybe not. That said, psychopaths shouldn’t freely roam streets. Even if the person doesn’t want to have mal intent, they might not be able to control their actions. If you find a psychopath you should probably seek professional help. But no, psychopaths are not necessarily bad people.
Jul 8, 2016
Managing Emotions Expert more
Nope not all psychopaths are bad people, it depends what makes them a psychopath whether its just something small or something dangerous.
Aug 10, 2016 more
Not necessarily, it's their minds that put them in that thought. It's not their fault. It might be just how their mind works.
Aug 12, 2016 more
No, psychopaths are not always bad people.Some are but most aren't.They are ordinary people who are facing mental health struggles and difficulties but who are as equal as the rest of us
Aug 13, 2016 more
No, They aren't. There is always one sad story behind a psychopath. This kind of behavior always stems from an issue. And if we address this issue instead of looking at them as if they are mad, many of them can be changed for the better.
Aug 21, 2016 more
They are not necessarily bad people, they just don't understand the effects of their actions on others.
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