Are psychopaths necessarily bad people?
Feb 15, 2018 more
Necessarily maybe not they might just have a lot of anger and feelings built up inside them. They might jus think want help but don't know how to show it
Apr 5, 2018 more
Not at all. People with psychopathic tendencies are often misunderstood. With the proper treatment they can be happy, functioning members of society.
Sep 30, 2018 more
No, not at all. People with psychopathy can be good, and they can also go to therapy, to heal and recover over time. I personally know and am friends with people that struggle with psychopathy. Some may be bad, and some may be good, but is that not the case with most people anyway (mentally ill or not)? As long as one strives to not harm others and does their best to control their urges, then to me, they are generally good people. Unfortunately, stigma can be extremely harmful and reinforce inaccurate stereotypes, but we must strive to go beyond those and actually try to understand the people involved.
Jan 11, 2020 more
Assuming that the psychopathy is actually a medical condition and not just a label that someone stuck on them, I don't think that psychopaths are necessary bad. If one does not have the mental capacity to empathize, how can I blame them for being selfish or mean? They literally have no way of differentiating their good behavior from harmful behavior. Humans by nature are designed to value self-preservation above all, but we are also designed as social creatures who must give up some of our desires in order to live in harmony with the rest of the human race. As far as I can tell (as someone who is not a medical professional), a psychopath is someone with a disorder that impairs or prevents their ability to understand the social aspect of living.
Now, personally, I don't think I would be able to become friends with a psychopath, purely due to the two-sided nature of friendship. And I do still believe that their bad behavior is bad. I just have a problem putting the blame on the psychopath when they are physically incapable of acting in the way a normal human should.
Aug 6, 2020 more
I don't think being a psychopath makes someone a bad person. Psychopathy is considered a personality disorder. Having a disorder is not intentional, and never makes someone inherently "bad". People who are diagnosed psychopaths need more help and treatment than the average person, yet people shy away and do not want to offer them help. The social stigma surrounding psychopaths is what worries people and makes them associate a psychopath with being a bad person. Many times people with personality disorders struggle a lot due to their disorders, and being rejected by society only makes this worse and their struggles harder to overcome.
Jul 9, 2016 more
Not bad people, just wired differently in most cases due to a number of different potential reasons.
Jul 20, 2016 more
Not at all - psychopaths can't help being the way they are, a lot of very wealthy business people or successful people are psychopaths - psychopaths simply lack empathy but it doesn't mean they'll go out of their way to intentionally cause harm.
Jul 24, 2016 more
You'll have to ask a psychiatrist this question. The psychiatrist will be able to answer this question for you.
Aug 17, 2016 more
No, they are not bad people, because being a psychopath is also a mental illness like any other. It should be treated and cared for like any other mental illness, and respected as well.
Aug 20, 2016 more
Not all psychopaths are bad people, and not all bad people are psychopaths. Most are very kind people, that just lack empathy, but that doesn't make them bad people.
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