How can I be happy without friends and family?
307 Answers
Moderated by Maria Wasielewski, Master of Arts in Counseling and Guidance, University of Arizona
Updated: Jan 4, 2022
Aug 11, 2017 more
If you love yourself being happy will be a breeze. If you find things you love doing that dont require other people than you can be happy by yourself
Aug 11, 2017 more
Find things you enjoy, and become more confident in who you are as a person. You have to be able to be secure in the decisions you make and the things you decide to do.
Aug 16, 2017 more
Engage yourself in something you love to you ,focus on your career and work on yourself. Find happiness in things you do. But do make yourself busy and you will be happy on your own. Don't depend on anyone to feel happy.
Aug 19, 2017 more
to be happy with the person you are not the person people want or preserve you to be even if it makes others unhappy
Sep 28, 2017 more
Happiness is not an outside factor, it doesn't solely depend on your surrounding people or events or anything like that. Happiness lies within you. It's true there are outside factors that contribute to your happiness just like your friends and family. But the main reason is you. You only need yourself to start being happy, everything else is just the support :)
Oct 14, 2017 more
Try to make friends any friends, it doesnt matter if they are a little bit younger or older, just try to make friends that you will see everyday, if you are old enough get a girlfriend have kids and then your kids will have kids and then you would have grandkids, that is how you make a family.
Oct 18, 2017 more
Happiness is very much about finding comfort and acceptance in yourself. Of course, friends and family are important and can add to a persons happiness, but it isn't pivotal to being happy.
I think that people think of happiness as smiling, going out and having fun, being the person you show to the world. But I think true happiness comes when you learn to accept yourself. When you try each day to better yourself and find success, whether it's in work, love or other adventures.
Of course, finding contentment in who you are doesn't happen over night. For most, it's a process that takes years of self discovery. Finding out what makes you happy, without replying on other people to do it for you. It really is the small things: a hobby, a favourite food, a place - the options are endless.
I know it's easy to sit on the other side of a computer and say that the key to happiness is X, Y and Z, but I've learnt over the years that when you're happy in yourself, that's when the important people in your life are revealed.
Oct 19, 2017 more
You can't basically. Make new friends. Step out of your comfort zone and know new people. Connect with them with an open mind. Don't always keep to yourself or dwell on the past. You have to move forward and reach out to other people out there
Nov 12, 2017 more
Realize that you're a unique individual with huge potential. You have a whole storehouse of happiness in you just waiting to burst out. Sure, friends and family help but at the end of the day you are a vital source of your happiness. Thrive.
Nov 16, 2017 more
Being happy with yourself, in my opinion, is the first step towards being independent. Once you're happy with yourself, it opens up many doors for opportunities for you to gain extra happiness, regardless of friends or family are helping.
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