Will people learn to accept me as a LGBTQ member?
Jul 14, 2015
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Different types of sexualities are slowly becoming accepted, mostly due to the media. People are being educated on certain types of sexuality; tackling one problem at a time. Here in the UK, they're focusing on gay rights which is a huge deal. More and more people are accepting them into society as they should and it's a simple matter of numbers. The 21st century has become pretty laid back about who people can love, which I think is great. One day, we will learn to live and let live.
Jul 28, 2015
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Some people will, and if they do not, that is not a reflection on you but it is a reflection on them.
Jan 4, 2016
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Yes, Absolute everyone is different and that okay. it just takes time for people to get out of their normal zone.
Jan 5, 2016
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It depends on the culture and society you live in.. but I believe ots all biological so no one has the right to blame you... that how you are of they wanted let them accept, if not let it he it wont change you anyways...
Mar 1, 2016
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Yes most of the people today understand and acccept LGBTQ members and if they do not try to make them understand
Apr 5, 2016
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some people wil, some peope won't. those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.
May 10, 2016
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If you are truly one then yes why not. Just as long as u accept yourself people will accept you too just the way you are.
Jul 12, 2016
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They will. They just need time, like the time you needed when you leart how to accept yourself. They will accept you if they really love you, dont worry.
Sep 20, 2016
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Hopefully friends and family will learn to accept you for you! However, it is possible that they might not. Those kind of people don't need to be an everyday part of your life. Your health and happiness are more important than someone who isn't truely a friend.
Oct 10, 2016
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So persons will but not others based on how they were grown and what that have accepted socially but a guess more persons are starting to accept it now more than before
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