Why does my gender/sexuality seem so complicated?
Jan 10, 2015
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Society has tried to make it too simple. You are normal. When it comes down to it no two people are the same. Gender expression, gender identity, and sexual orientation are all different things. There is not possibly (nor should there be) a label to fit each of us perfectly. Humans are complicated creatures and that's what makes us great!
Jan 12, 2015
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Gender and Sexuality are two completely different things. They both can be used in many different combinations, if you mix match your socks; you'll understand. Gender is with gender identity and gender expression. Sexuality, is what your prefer, dating wise, who your interested in.
Feb 16, 2015
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You are still knowing/realizing things about yourself!I know it seems hard,but just wait it out!!!:D
Apr 12, 2015
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Gender and sexuality is as complicated subject! But society likes to make us believe that it's not complicated. It's hard to fit into the boxes that already exist, and it's also hard to come up with your own box to fit into.
Jul 28, 2015
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My sexuality sometimes seems so complicated because to me it is not important what gender the person I love has, I like them for who they are. The problem is probably the given view from society and the too often appearing judgement.
Aug 25, 2015
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It may seem complicated but it doesn't have to. It doesn't matter if you're born a girl or guy. Or if you like girls or guys. It only matters that you're you!
Feb 29, 2016
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because life is complicated. You might not know yet, but soon you will. It's sometimes hard to figure out.
Mar 15, 2016
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Try not to stress about it, many people, including me, struggle with not knowing what their gender is and can spend years figuring it out. A lot of people are both, or neither, you could be one of those, but I'm sure you'll find out soon enough.
Jun 20, 2016
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You used the right word, there: seem. It seems complicated, but it is not.
The reason why we get this feeling sometimes is embedded in the tissue of the society we live in. You may or may not have heard of the concepts of "heteronormativity" and "cisnormativity". These means that we lie in a world where everybody is assumed, maybe even expected, to be straight and/or cisgender. This expectation renders every gender identity or sexual orientation that differs from the default assumption a "deviation", when it by no means is.
So this is why we often get the impression that we are "strange" or "unnecessarily complicated", but that is not what we are. There's nothing wrong with who or what we are. There is a lot wrong with the aforementioned points of view.
Sep 27, 2016
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It seems complicated bc gender and sexuality is complicated! It takes time to learn and know who you are and feel comfortable with or without a label
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