Why does it feel like only certain types of LBGTQIAP+ people are accepted within the community?
Mar 2, 2015
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That's difficult to answer. I personally would accept anyone (unless they were abusive to me or others), and I am part of this community. I would hope that everyone in the community was that way.
I imagine however, that any online community, roughly mimics the prejudices and opinions of the public at large. Maybe if you start a forum post about this then people can discuss this issue, and as a community we can improve together.
Feb 24, 2015
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I think that some parts of the LGBTQIAP+ community are not as accepted because people are either not aware of their existence, or they are not familiar with what the term of that specific sexual orientation or gender orientation is.
Apr 7, 2015
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As a demisexual person, I can feel usually missunderstood and alone within the community. Our group receives a bad treatment because we don't fit within them. In fact, I have listened many times that demisexuals only want to "be different and special". So I feel like they are exactly as bad people as homophobics are. If they want equality and respect, they should respect EVERYONE and not only certain people...
Apr 8, 2015
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I'm demi, and a ton of people have called me a special snowflake, and they are usually either gay or straight. The group itself is lage and diverse and there will always be discrimination against the minorities of the group. Just ignore the negative people (and block them on social media if they harass you) I hope this helps!
Jul 7, 2015
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The reason (I think) that some people of the LBGTQ+ community are less accepted is because of several things. One reason is that (sadly) many different orientations and defenitions are not know by the general public, and it is very difficult for people to understand things that they have never heard of. Another reason that some people are accepted while others are not is because people are so fixated on the idea of putting people into certain categories that are described in certain ways, and can't see (or understand) how some people don't fit into those specific categories.
Jul 14, 2015
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Sexualities are slowly becoming more and more accepted into society. Being gay is right now (here in the uk) is a huge deal and is the most common of all. It's is the most widely accepted sexuality here in the uk. Perhaps the reason, in your community, only certain sexualities are being accepted because of the media attention on one specific sexuality, making it more wide spread, well known and more accepted than others.
Jul 28, 2015
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Some of the communities within this community are larger than others, so a lot of the time it feels as though these groups take over, leaving the rest to feel left out.
Oct 14, 2015
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This is a very common question, and it's hard to completely tell the answer. But sadly, society has just now started to accept the idea of homosexuality and transgender, which rules out many other LGBTQIAP+ people, such as asexual/agender/aromantic, pansexual, demisexual, etc. However, that doesn't mean that there aren't people out there who won't accept all. Myself and many other people throughout the world are extremely accepting of all queer members regardless of who they are :)
Oct 30, 2015
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It's pretty sad, but sometimes it's actually true. Two examples of exclusion might be asexuality and Bisexuality, aka. ace-erasure and bi-erasure. Sometimes, (even those who are lesbian or gay) may exclude us and say our labels are not "valid" However, this is NO reason to let them stop you from being who you are. That's why we have the A and B in LGBTQA+
Dec 15, 2015
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I think that society has only slowly grown to accept the idea of a wider range of what "love" is in our society. This understanding has only barely reached through the the LGBT community, and has not yet been able to reach towards the QIAP+ community. I believe that once awareness and understanding grow and prosper, society as a whole will be much more inclusive and accepting of the full spectrum of the LGBTQIAP+ community.
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