Why are people questioning if being gay was a choice?
Jun 17, 2015
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The people who think homosexuality is a choice are not gay, and therefore they can't ever fully understand what it means to be gay. Through the spread of misinformation & bigotry, they have cultivated the belief that heterosexuality is the default setting, and anything that deviates from it is a choice. They have a fundamental misunderstanding of how sexuality works.
Apr 24, 2018
LGBTQ+ Issues Expert
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Because any orientation different from their own is a reality they don't know, and ignorance can lead to wrong conclusions. They see that the union of a man and a woman's body is the only one that is fit for reproduction, and they believe it's the default nature of all people, and anything else is a choice. But human sexuality doesn't work like that. If they don't acknowledge it, that's because they never bothered listening with an open mind to someone who experiences the reality of homosexuality. There are also people who were just raised with these prejudice by their family and people around them, but they could change their mind if given the chance to get to know this reality better and to listen to what gay people really feel. We should never lose hope that people who believe homosexuality is a choice will one day accept the truth!
Jun 17, 2015
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I believe people are questioning this because it's come around so quickly. We went from jailing gays to having pride parades really quickly. Straight people think that since there are so many gays coming out all at once that it's some kind of fad. It's not, but they don't understand. All they know is that they're attracted to the opposite sex, and any other possibility is new. I'm not excusing them, they need to learn the truth, but I believe that's their reasoning.
Mar 8, 2015
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Because the don't understand. We don't teach about sexaul psychologi in schools and in some cultures no one talks about. It is not there choice what culture there born in. If you know the truth then you are lucky, you were born in a good place.
Apr 14, 2015
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At this point we don't have scientific proof that people are born gay or straight or somewhere in between. So that leaves the topic open to debate (though unfortunately not everyone is willing to accept scientific evidence anyway). It is very difficult to study this topic effectively (there are some research studies, but the area is by no means complete). However, regardless of whether being gay is nature, nurture or choice it shouldn't matter. We are all equal.
May 3, 2015
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Because there is no definite proof either way right now. Frankly, I feel both positions are wrong. Being gay is not a frivolous choice like, 'oh, i'm going to be gay now'. It's rarely (if ever) a conscious decision. However, it is unlikely they will ever find a 'gay gene' (I hope not! Realize they never search for a 'straight gene'. The search for gay biological determinants is rooted in a pathologization of homosexuality (and relies upon many harmful binary ideas about gender, sexuality, and gender expression) It doesn't account for the great diversity of sexualities and desires). In reality, sexual orientation is likely a combination of biological predisposition and environmental factors that are set very early in life. However you wish to believe, know that your sexuality is yours to own. Just be safe and consensual, and it's all good. You'll find people to accept you for who you are. :)
May 30, 2015
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Well it can be that a lot of the people that question you about that don't understand it well. Or has never been educated on the topic and its helpful to shad some light on it and let them know a little about our life style.
Aug 3, 2015
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Because some people just aren't educated on it. So they make assumptions that they don't really know.
Aug 24, 2015
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Probably because it is something new to them. Heterosexual people who were never exposed to anything other than binary genders and straight relationships find it hard to believe that others could like people of their own gender. Due to religious or social influences they think the natural orientation of a human being is heterosexual. It's like left-handedness, only more sensitive and very much more hostile.
Aug 25, 2015
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Human beings are wired to be always curious. Our need to know or understand everything around us is the reason why.
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