Jul 9, 2016 more
I think the most important thing is to stop focusing on the why, because it's something that we can't change. I'm gay too, but I try to remain optimistic and positive. Yes, there are people that dislike homosexuals, but we can't change who we are, and as such we shouldn't be obsessed with the notion of what makes someone gay. Personally, I believe that it's natural as it's present in most animals, not just humans. As for feminine behaviour, I think that could be learnt. This is all beside the point though! You're who you are and nobody can change that, so embrace it and show people that you're strong - you're proud.
Jul 18, 2016 more
That's just the way you are, just like people don't chose to be straight you didn't chose to be gay. Just know that there's nothing wrong with that at all, even if people tell you otherwise.
Sep 5, 2016 more
Unfortunately you cannot chose who you are attracted to. Why are straight people straight? There must be hundreds of combinations of environmental and genetic factors that makes a person either gay or straight, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with either
Oct 25, 2016 more
Being gay it's not a choice. You just born like that, and it's totally normal, you just fall in love with other people like everyone does.
Nov 21, 2016 more
We are born attracted to whomever we are attracted to, male or female. Does it matter? Society may put labels on it. But truly, in our hearts, does it matter? It shouldn't.
Jan 16, 2017 more
Unfortunately, we do not choose who we are. We are born oblivious to our gender. But society wants us to be who we're not. We question ourselves, and become susceptible to doubt and insecurities, but we cannot change who we are. At the enD of the day were all human, and that's all that matters. Gay or not, we were born the way we are and we should accept that, we should not let others opinions of us change who we are. You are gay because you feel a deeper emotional connection with the same sex as you, rather than the opposing sex.
Feb 20, 2017 more
Some people say you're born with it, others will say it is something you chose or learned. Maybe it's a mix of both. Maybe it's neither. You know yourself better than anyone else ever could. Only you can really answer that question in any sort of way that you will find satisfying.
Jul 11, 2017 more
it is not a bad thing to be gay! it is who you are and if you ever feel you need help going through anything talk to a trusted adult. i believe you are a beautiful person and you can't and shouldn't change who you are!
Jul 17, 2017 more
I am gay because that's how I was designed. Why are straight people straight? That's just how they are. And this is how I am.
Sep 4, 2017 more
You where born this way, and that's alright. Some people like the pposite gender, some like the same gender. This is how the world is.
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