What is the difference between sex and gender identity?
Jun 7, 2015
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Sex refers to what you're biologically born with. This typically refers to male and female sex organs. Male sex organs including the penis, testicles and prostate and female sex organs including the vagina, the clitoris and ovaries (there are more parts to the reproductive system to this). However there is the case of intersex individuals where their sex organs may not completely match up with 'normal' male or female sex organs. It's unfortunately common then for doctors to perform surgeries on intersex babies to assign them to a specific gender by 'correcting' their genitals to match a particular sex.
Often it's common for people to associate sex with gender, gender often reflects a person's outward appearance , how they behave and what society expects of them. In today's society it's very common for people to assume a person's gender based on their appearance, and then to go on to assume their sex based on their gender (Which is odd considering people don't go around looking at everyone's genitals) People often think acting tough and masculine, and wearing male clothes means that person has a penis.
For example a transman is a person who now identifies as male who was probably assigned female at birth based on their genitalia. Because they identify as male, using male pronouns they present themselves as male and open themselves to the treatment and expectation men receive in society. THey may or may not have gotten surgery to change their sex, if this person were to choose to keep their genitals, they would have female genitals, so on doctors forms they would have to say they were female, because female genitals have different health risks to male ones.
Often during surveys or questionnaires or whatever, it's normal to see to word sex used when a person means gender, or gender used when they mean sex. Does a company need to know what pronouns to use and not what genitals you have? Congrats! They would like to know your gender! Does a hospital want to know if you're at risk of getting cervical cancer? They want your sex!
Jul 14, 2015
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Biologically speaking "Sex" is what you're born with. for example, male parts and female parts. However, a gender identity, is the gender you align with. Typically, A male sex, will have a male gender, but in some cases, someone born as a male, may feel like a female on the outside, and identify as such!
Jun 27, 2017
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Your sex is male or female. It's what they declared you coming out of the womb. Gender identity is something that you feel. It is more of a mind thing. Only you can decide your gender.
Nov 2, 2015
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Sex is what you are biologically, and gender identity is what you are. You may be a female, but you could be nonbinary, because they're two seperate things.
Jul 3, 2017
LGBTQ+ Issues Expert
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Sex is biological, it's defined by one's genitals. Gender is everything that is associated with the identity of "man or "woman" in a particular society and historical moment. While sex is biological, gender is socially constructed.
Dec 18, 2017
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Gender identity is what you believe you are, for example; male, or non-binary. Sex refers to biological differences.
Dec 22, 2017
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Sex is related to what your genitalia is, determining whether you possess either, female, or male reproduction parts. Though, gender identity is more of how you feel, or how you present yourself. Some people born with female genitalia, end up relating more to being, or feeling male. Which is a-okay, and it goes the same way for people born with male genitalia, feeling more related to being female. Though, there are more genders, such as agender, bigender, gender queer, demigender, and etc. So to shorten this, sex is based on what parts you're born with, and gender is how you feel/the state of being. Our sex may not be the same as our gender, or our sex may not be one we prefer, which often leads to some changing their sex to match their gender.
Jan 2, 2018
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Sex refers to your body parts responsible for reproduction and your secondary sexual feature such as boobs, beard, etc. Your gender identity refers to your psyche: how you see yourself, despite the fact that you are born male or female.
Apr 8, 2015
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Your gender identification is what you prefer to go by and be recognized to be seen as and be called.
Apr 24, 2015
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Your sex is your birth gender but your gender identity is what you believe yourself to be. I hope this helped.
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