What is the difference between sex and gender?
Dec 24, 2015
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Sex refers to our biological characteristics. It's defined by our external and internal sexual organs, our hormones, and chromosomes.
Gender refers to our personal sense of being either a man or a woman. It's about our sociocultural roles.
Dec 29, 2015
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Sex is a combination of genotype and phenotype. Genotype = your chromosomal arrangement. In terms of sex, you could have XX, XY, XYY, XXY, etc. Phenotype = the physical manifestation of your genotype. This means your hormonal balance (how much estrogen to testosterone you have in your body), your body shape (what types of organs you have), your secondary sex characteristics, etc.
Sex does not determine gender. For example, a woman with hair on her upper lip (typically considered a male phenotype) is still a woman.
Gender is an identity and a presentation. There are many different gender identities, broadly classified into Man, Woman, and Non-binary. Gender presentation is how you express/present your gender to the world (For example, a nonbinary person wearing makeup, or a woman wearing a skirt or a suit jacket).
Just as there are potentially infinite arrangements of sex (when you take into account hormones, chromosomes, body types, etc.), there are potentially infinite arrangements of gender.
Jan 9, 2016
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Sex is what you have. If you have two X chromosomes, you by sex are female. And if you have and X and a y chromosome, you by sex are male. While, gender, is a bit different. If you have two X chromosomes and you say you're a boy, or genderfluid, then you are a boy. Usually gender refers to your social ways. If you have more of a masculine personality, you might consider yourself a boy, and if you have a feminine personality you might consider yourself a girl. You can be a girl or a boy without having their certain body parts or their social ways. And genderfluid (what I am) is when you can identify as male AND female. Sometimes you're a boy and sometimes you're a girl.
Sep 12, 2016
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Sex is your biological sex, chromosomes etc-.
Gender is how you express, feel and identify yourself.
Your sex and gender do not have to align.
Sep 20, 2016
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Sex is what biological body parts you were born with. Gender is how you identify. Sex does not equal gender. I could be assigned female at birth and I could be agender.
Oct 24, 2016
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Someone once told me that sex is what is between your legs, while gender is what is in your head. Your gender is what you identify as, while sex is what you are born
Nov 1, 2016
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"Sex" refers to the biological differences between men and women, while "gender" denotes the social and cultural role of each sex or an individual's concept of themselves (if we're talking about gender identity, which is different from gender role).
Nov 15, 2016
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Sex is the biological classification which one is given at birth, usually one of two categories, male and female. Gender is an identity or state of being either male, female, or on a spectrum of options in between.
Dec 13, 2016
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You'd think they'd be the same right?
Sex is the physical aspect; what genitalia do you have. (Male, Female, Intersex)
Gender is the mental aspect; what do you identify as? what ARE you? (Male, Female, Intersex, Genderqueer, Poly, etc)
The difference is mindset vs body.
May 22, 2017
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Sex in what you were born as, what you put down on medical papers. Gender is what you ARE, in your head, what you WANT TO BE.
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