What is the difference between sex and gender?
Nov 8, 2014
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Sex is based on whether someone is physically male or female, while gender depends how who they identify as.
Nov 11, 2014
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Sex is biological but gender is what you identify as. You be biological female but you identify as a male= your sex is female but your gender is male
Nov 18, 2014
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A person's sex is more of a biological aspect (chromosomes, internal sex structure, external sex structure, etc.) Gender is what our society labels as masculine/feminine.
Jan 5, 2016
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Sex and gender can be easily explained like : "sex is below the belt, gender is above the belt", meaning that sex is what you're born with and cannot be changed, while gender is what you identify as and is all in your brain. So a ftm transgender's sex is female, and gender is male (vice versa for mtf)
Apr 17, 2018
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Sex is the physical description given to you at birth = male and female.
Gender is what you identify as - male, female, transgender.
Often confused with sexual orientation which is - Lesbian, gay, bisexual, pan sexual etc.
Nov 5, 2014
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Biological sex is the chromosomes that you have, and this stays the same throughout your life. Sex is the "parts" that you have. People can be male, female, or intersex, which is when someone has at least part of both male and female genitalia, for example a woman who has a testicle inside her abdomen. Sex can be changed through gender reassignment surgery and hormone therapy. Gender is how you identify and feel inside. There are many different genders, and genderqueer/non-binary are umbrella terms for people who do not identify with the male or female genders, but rather feel they are in between, a combination of, or neither of the traditional binary genders.
Feb 15, 2016
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Sex is biological - based on chromosomes, genitalia and other factors. Gender is your mental identity - who YOU know you are
Aug 22, 2016
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The "sex" of a person is what they were born with. The "gender" of said person is what they decide to label themselves as.
Aug 17, 2015
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Sex is what you are classified as by chromosomes and strictly biological criteria. Gender is the masculine/feminine/androgynous attitudes and feelings a culture associates with a biological gender. Your gender and sex do not have to match.
person’s biological sex
Oct 11, 2015
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Sex is your physical body type, whether you have male (xy) reproductive organs or female (xx) reproductive organs.
Gender is your personal identification of your own sex based on an internal awareness (gender identity).
In an ideal world everyone should naturally identify as the gender that coensides with their sex: Male mody=Male mind / Female body-Female mind. But in some cases people have developed so that the image in their mind of how their body should work isn't the same as their physical appearance. If a person feels this way they are called transgender which is where, for example, someone could have a perfect female brain but developed a male body (or the other way around) or you could be anywhere inbetween binary gender (Male/female) to agender (they identify as neutral; They don't have a gender at all). so to summarise:
Gender is in your brain,
Sex is in your pants.
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