What if there is no label that defines me?
Feb 14, 2015
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Make one up! That's how we got the labels we already have -- people realized there wasn't a simple way to explain their feelings, so they came up with a word to describe it. Others who felt the same found the word, and thus it spread. Labels are made to fit how people feel. There can never truly be enough labels to fully encompass all human feelings, unless there was a label for each individual person. You can also look at labels like quoi, fluid, and flux if you haven't already. Conversely, don't go by any label at all. You don't need a label if you don't want one, or if there isn't one you feel comfortable identifying with. Not having a label doesn't make your feelings and experiences any less valid than anyone else's.
Dec 1, 2015
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there doesn't have to be a label! you define you! you need to be comfortable enough with yourself first - and if a label is important to you, it will come eventually
Dec 29, 2015
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Then it's okay! You shouldn't rely on labels to define yourself. You are you, and if there isn't a word to group you in then you're also unique!
Apr 4, 2015
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No label defines me which means I am unique and therefore very special a meant for special things in this life!!
Jan 17, 2015
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Well, the only label defining your true self is "ME". A big "ME" over your heart because you are not a estatic being that can be tagged. You are a self-conscious evolving being and you can be whatever you want. Don't try to define yourself!
Jan 17, 2015
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Labels exist simply to help people define themselves and explore who they are. It's absolutely alright not to identify with any of them, or to switch from one label to another. No matter what, you're always primarily yourself.
Apr 5, 2015
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If there is no label to define you then you are unique, special, you are you! You have a label, your label is YOU! Some people might have cool, popular, and pretty as there labels but your label is the best label ever... you should just be you not anything else.
Apr 8, 2015
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Its totally okay! :D Labels aren't necessary, and for many people they feel like they are a hindrance to their true expression of self. If it is important to you, you can always take your time looking up and mixing and matching labels to hopefully find one that you feel best describes who you are. Also its important to realize that peoples labels and identities change over time and we as humans are rarely covered by just ONE label for our entire life (if ever!) :D Hope this helps. Feel free to connect with myself or another listener if you would like to further discuss this question.
Apr 9, 2015
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This is okay. The most important thing I can even think to say is that labels aren't as important as society has tried to make us believe. You are not alone. You belong.
May 10, 2015
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You can either make your own label or disregard the whole notion of it. Just be yourself, the rest will fall into place.
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