Dec 4, 2016 more
The definition of Queer is 'different'. These days, however, it is usually used to describe a LGBT+ member.
Jun 22, 2016 more
Technically, it means this:
1) An umbrella term sometimes used by LGBTQA people to refer to the entire LGBT community. 2) An alternative that some people use to "queer" the idea of the labels and categories such as lesbian, gay, bisexual, etc. Similar to the concept of genderqueer. It is important to note that the word queer is an in-group term, and a word that can be considered offensive to some people, depending on their generation, geographic location, and relationship with the word.
Personally, I think it is important to ask someone what they mean by queer if they are identifying that way in order to be sure you don't misunderstand them.
Jul 20, 2016 more
Being queer is another term for having an attraction to your own gender , so being gay. There is nothing wrong with this.
Aug 20, 2016 more
By definition, queer is an umbrella term for sexual and gender minorities who do not identify as cisgender or heteronormative. To identify as queer generally means to reject traditional gender identities and seek a broader, less conformist, and deliberately ambiguous alternative to the label LGBT.
Aug 7, 2016 more
If a person is queer, it means that they are either not heterosexual, or they do not conform to the gender binary. Some people may choose to label their sexuality as simply 'queer' if they don't wish to use a more specific label.
Aug 8, 2016 more
It means that you are who you are and you shouldn't let the world bend or opress you. It means you are You.
Jun 29, 2016 more
Queer was once a word that was used to identify gay men in a dishonorable fashion. But like words such as 'black' or 'colored', it now is used in a positive fashion to identify yourself as a gender that is not hetero. The world HAS moved on and being not of a hetero fashion is more and more accepted as a positive notation that a queer person is part of a growing number of other types of sexuality. As a current asexual person, I would no longer feel out of place being called 'queer'. I happily join others who embrace their sexuality and try to find a positive life within our identities!
Jul 22, 2016 more
Queer can mean anything: Homosexual, transsexual, bisexual, pansexual. It's what you want it to mean.
Apr 25, 2018 more
Queer is a term that is used to describe people who identify as something other than heterosexual (straight) or cisgender (the gender you were assigned at birth)
Jun 30, 2016 more
"Queer" is an umbrella word. It means you're not cisgender, so you're gender is not fully "girl" nor "boy", so basically "genderqueer". Some people also use it when they are talking about their sexuality, when they are not straight.
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